/* Main function and core logic leibowitz-client */ /* Required to use getaddrinfo(3) API with -std=c11 */ #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200112L #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "asprintf.h" #include "utils.h" /* Return the offset to the first non-space character in buf. */ size_t chomp(const char *const buf) { size_t i; for (i = 0; isspace(buf[i]) && buf[i] != '\0'; i++); return i; } /* Given buf as a pointer to the first char in an atom, return the * offset to the final char of the atom. */ size_t chomp_atom(const char *const buf) { size_t i; /* FIXME: handle quoted forms! */ for (i = 0; !isspace(buf[i]) && buf[i] != '\0' && buf[i] != '(' && buf[i] != ')'; i++); return i; } /* Given buf as a pointer to the beginning " of a string, return the * offset to the terminating " */ size_t chomp_string(const char *const buf) { size_t i = 1; /* Skip initial " */ while (buf[i] != '"' && buf[i] != '\0') i += (buf[i] == '\\' && buf[i + 1] == '"') ? 2 : 1; if (buf[i] == '\0') { WARN("parser error: unterminated string\n"); exit(1); } return i; } void slynk_parse_message(char *const _msg) { char msg[] = "(:new-features (:slynk :plump-utf-32 :osicat-fd-streams :cl-who :hunchentoot :sbcl-debug-print-variable-alist :split-sequence :flexi-streams :cl-ppcre :cl-fad :bordeaux-threads :global-vars :chunga cffi-features:flat-namespace cffi-features:x86-64 cffi-features:unix :cffi cffi-sys::flat-namespace alexandria::sequence-emptyp :thread-support :quicklisp :asdf3.3 :asdf3.2 :asdf3.1 :asdf3 :asdf2 :asdf :os-unix :non-base-chars-exist-p :asdf-unicode :arena-allocator :x86-64 :gencgc :64-bit :ansi-cl :common-lisp :elf :ieee-floating-point :linux :little-endian :package-local-nicknames :sb-ldb :sb-package-locks :sb-thread \"An interleaved string!\" :sb-unicode :sbcl :unix \"Another string!\")) \"parse error"; char *cursor = msg + (uintptr_t)chomp(msg); while (*cursor != '\0') { /* hurr durr label followed by declaration is a c23 * extension */ size_t offset = 0; switch (*cursor) { case '(': puts("{"); break; case ')': puts("}"); break; case ' ': cursor += (uintptr_t)chomp(cursor); puts(""); goto continue_no_increment; case '"': if ((offset = chomp_string(cursor)) == '\0') goto continue_no_increment; printf("``%.*s''\n", (int)--offset, ++cursor); cursor += (uintptr_t)offset; break; /* case '.': */ default: offset = chomp_atom(cursor); for (size_t i = 0; i < offset; i++) putchar(cursor[i]); cursor += (uintptr_t)offset; goto continue_no_increment; } ++cursor; continue_no_increment: /* drrrrrr label at the end of a compound statement is * a c23 extension */ continue; } /* free(msg); */ } int slynk_connect(const char *host, const char *port) { int sock, rc; struct addrinfo *servinfo, hints = { .ai_family = AF_UNSPEC, /* IP v agnostic */ .ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM /* TCP */ }; if ((rc = getaddrinfo(host, port, &hints, &servinfo)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(rc)); return -1; } if (servinfo == NULL) { WARN("getaddrinfo didn't return anything\n"); return -1; } for (struct addrinfo *i = servinfo; i != NULL; i = i->ai_next) { if ((sock = socket(i->ai_family, i->ai_socktype, i->ai_protocol)) == -1) { perror("socket"); continue; } if (connect(sock, i->ai_addr, i->ai_addrlen) == -1) { close(sock); perror("connect"); continue; } break; } freeaddrinfo(servinfo); return sock; } void slynk_send(const int sock, const char *msg) { char *raw; asprintf(&raw, "%06x%s", (int)strlen(msg), msg); INFO("Sending %s\n", raw); if (send(sock, raw, strlen(raw), 0) == -1) { perror("send"); exit(1); } free(raw); } char * slynk_recv(const int sock) { size_t bytes, hdr_len = 6, body_len = 0; char hdr[hdr_len + 1], *body = NULL; if ((bytes = recv(sock, hdr, hdr_len, 0)) == (size_t)-1) { perror("recv"); exit(1); } if (bytes != hdr_len) WARN("Received invalid header of length %li \"%s\", expected %li bytes\n", bytes, hdr, hdr_len); body_len = xstrtol(hdr, NULL, 16, "Header is not a valid hex number"); body = (char *)xcalloc(body_len + 1, sizeof(char), NULL); if ((bytes = recv(sock, body, body_len, 0)) == (size_t)-1) { perror("recv"); free(body); exit(1); } if (bytes != body_len) WARN("Received invalid body of %li bytes, expected %li\n", bytes, body_len); return body; } void slynk_disconnect(int sock) { INFO("Disconnecting...\n"); slynk_send(sock, "(:emacs-rex (cl:format T \"Goodbye, cruel world~%\") nil t 1)"); slynk_parse_message(slynk_recv(sock)); slynk_send(sock, "(:emacs-channel-send 1 (:teardown))"); slynk_parse_message(slynk_recv(sock)); } /* * (let ((msg "(:emacs-rex (cl:format T \"Hello, world!~%\") nil t 1)")) * (format T "~6,'0X~A" (length msg) msg)) * * (:emacs-channel-send 1 (:process "(format T \"hello!~%\")")) * (:channel-send 1 (:write-values (("NIL" 0 "'nil")))) */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int sock; const char *const host = "", *const port = "4005"; INFO("Connecting to %s:%s\n", host, port); if ((sock = slynk_connect(host, port)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to connect to %s:%s\n", host, port); return 1; } slynk_parse_message(NULL); /* slynk_send(sock, "(:emacs-rex (cl:format T \"Hello, world!~%\") nil t 1)"); */ /* slynk_parse_message(slynk_recv(sock)); */ /* sleep(5); */ /* slynk_disconnect(sock); */ close(sock); return 0; }