An archiving tool for Audible audiobook libraries
Download raw file: account.go
package main import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "" "io" "io/ioutil" "log" "net/http" "net/http/cookiejar" "net/url" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" ) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // _ _ _ _ // __ _ ___ ___ ___ _ _ _ __ | |_ ___ | |__ (_) ___ ___| |_ // / _` |/ __/ __/ _ \| | | | '_ \| __| / _ \| '_ \| |/ _ \/ __| __| // | (_| | (_| (_| (_) | |_| | | | | |_ | (_) | |_) | | __/ (__| |_ // \__,_|\___\___\___/ \__,_|_| |_|\__| \___/|_.__// |\___|\___|\__| // |__/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The client has a slice of these, each of which is unmartialed from // the list of accounts in the the .yml config file. type Account struct { Name string Bytes string Auth []*http.Cookie Scrape bool LogBuf bytes.Buffer } // Return a string representation of the account for debugging // purposes. func (a *Account) String() string { ret := "Account:\n" ret += " Name: " + a.Name + "\n" ret += " Bytes: " + a.Bytes + "\n" ret += " Scrape: " + strconv.FormatBool(a.Scrape) + "\n" ret += " Auth:\n" for _, c := range a.Auth { ret += " " + c.Name + ": " + c.Value + "\n" } return ret } // Flush the contents of a.Log to stderr in order to make it easier to // debug the scraper's progress. func (a *Account) PrintScraperDebuggingInfo() { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, a.LogBuf.String()) } // Log the scraper's debugging info to the internal buffer to be // printed by the above method. func (a *Account) Log(str string, args ...any) { line := a.Name + ": " + fmt.Sprintf(str, args...) + "\n" a.LogBuf.WriteString(line) if logFile != nil { _, err := logFile.WriteString(line) unwrap(err) } } // Parse the contents of a .har archive passed in RAW into a slice of // cookies that can be passed to a HTTP GET request. func (a *Account) ImportCookiesFromHAR(raw []byte) { var har map[string]interface{} unwrap(json.Unmarshal(raw, &har)) cookies := har["log"].(map[string]interface{})["entries"].([]interface{})[0].(map[string]interface{})["request"].(map[string]interface{})["cookies"].([]interface{}) for _, c := range cookies { value := c.(map[string]interface{})["value"].(string) // The values of some non-essential cookies contain a double // quote character which net/http really doesn't like if strings.Contains(value, "\"") { continue } a.Auth = append(a.Auth, &http.Cookie{ Name: c.(map[string]interface{})["name"].(string), Value: value, }) } } // Shell-out to ffmpeg in order to convert the .aax file in IN to the // .m4b file in OUT using this account's activation bytes. On error, // return ffmpeg's output. func (a *Account) Convert(in, out string, client *Client) (error, []byte) { tmp := client.TempDir + filepath.Base(out) cmd := exec.Command("ffmpeg", "-activation_bytes", a.Bytes, "-i", in, "-c", "copy", tmp) cmd.Stdout = nil stderr, _ := cmd.StderrPipe() err := cmd.Start() slurp, _ := io.ReadAll(stderr) if err != nil { return err, slurp } if err = cmd.Wait(); err != nil { return err, slurp } if err = os.Rename(tmp, out); err != nil { return err, nil } return nil, nil } // Download a HTMl page in the user's library func (a *Account) getLibraryPage(page int) ([]byte, error) { jar, _ := cookiejar.New(nil) client := &http.Client{Jar: jar} uri := "" + strconv.Itoa(page) req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", uri, nil) jaruri, _ := url.ParseRequestURI(uri) jar.SetCookies(jaruri, a.Auth) a.Log("Fetching library page %d", page) resp, err := client.Do(req) if err != nil { return nil, err } if resp.StatusCode != 200 { return nil, errors.New("getLibraryPage: " + resp.Status) } html, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) return html, nil } // Fill in the structure for a single book func (a *Account) xSingleBook(dom *html.Tokenizer, tt html.TokenType, tok html.Token) Book { var book Book // First we'll extract the book's slug from its div's id slug := id(tok) book.Slug = slug[len(slug)-10:] a.Log("Extracting a single book...") for { tt = dom.Next() tok = dom.Token() if strings.Contains(class(tok), "bc-image-inset-border") { for _, a := range tok.Attr { if a.Key == "src" { book.CoverURL = cleanstr(a.Val) } } a.Log("Found cover image URL: %s", book.CoverURL) } else if class(tok) == "bc-text bc-size-headline3" { tt = dom.Next() tok = dom.Token() book.Title = cleanstr(tok.Data) a.Log("Found book title: %s", book.Title) continue } else if strings.Contains(class(tok), "authorLabel") { book.Authors = xPeople(dom) a.Log("Found book author(s): %s", book.Authors) continue } else if strings.Contains(class(tok), "narratorLabel") { book.Narrators = xPeople(dom) a.Log("Found book narrator(s): %s", book.Narrators) continue } else if strings.Contains(class(tok), "merchandisingSummary") { book.Summary = xSummary(dom, tt, tok) a.Log("Found book summary: %s...", book.Summary[:10]) continue } else if id(tok) == "time-remaining-display-"+book.Slug { for !(tt == html.EndTagToken && tok.Data == "span") { tt = dom.Next() tok = dom.Token() if tt == html.TextToken { book.Runtime = cleanstr(tok.Data) } } a.Log("Found book runtime: %s", book.Runtime) continue } else if strings.Contains(href(tok), "/series/") { book.Series, book.SeriesIndex = xSeries(dom, tt, tok) continue a.Log("Found book series and index: %s, %d", book.Series, book.SeriesIndex) } else if href(tok) == "/companion-file/"+book.Slug { book.CompanionURL = "" + cleanstr(href(tok)) a.Log("Found book companion UR: %s", book.CompanionURL) continue } // We've arrived at the next boo if strings.Contains(class(tok), "library-item-divider") || id(tok) == "adbl-library-content-toast-messaging" { a.Log("Breaking to next book") break } } book.DownloadURL = "" + book.Slug + "&codec=AAX" book.FileName = stripstr(book.Title) return book } // Scrape the library until we encounter a book whose filename // (display title ran through stripstr) matches lim, returning a slice // of books. If lim is an empty string this behaves exactly like // ScrapeFullLibrary(). func (a *Account) ScrapeLibraryUntil(pagenum chan int, lim string) ([]Book, error) { var books []Book defer close(pagenum) // doesn't return a 404 when // we access pages that don't exist, so we'll store the slug of // the first books of the current and previous pages in these // respective variables and check against the current book's slug. var firstincurrpage string = "" var firstinprevpage string = "" for i := 1; ; i++ { pagenum <- i raw, err := a.getLibraryPage(i) if err != nil { return nil, err } a.Log("Tokenizing page %d", i) dom := html.NewTokenizer(bytes.NewReader(raw)) for { tt := dom.Next() tok := dom.Token() if tokBeginsBook(tt, tok) { a.Log("Found a book row") // If we find a book, extract it book := a.xSingleBook(dom, tt, tok) if book.Slug == firstinprevpage { a.Log("Reached a duplicate page") return books, nil } if book.FileName == lim && lim != "" { a.Log("Reached the final book") return books, nil } books = append(books, book) if firstincurrpage == "" { // Save the first book in the page firstincurrpage = book.Slug } if firstinprevpage == "" { // This is the first page firstinprevpage = book.Slug } continue } // exit inner loop when we reach the end end if id(tok) == "center-6" || tt == html.ErrorToken { break } } // We're fetching the next page, so we cycle these out firstinprevpage = firstincurrpage firstincurrpage = "" // If we didn't extract any books from the first page then // we probably won't extract any from the next, so we should // just break and return an error, saving the page source in // a file along with debugging information if len(books) == 0 { ioutil.WriteFile(".audible-dl-debug.html", raw, 0644) return nil, errors.New("Failed to extract books from HTML") } } } // Return a slice of all the books in the user's library. func (a *Account) ScrapeFullLibrary(pagenum chan int) ([]Book, error) { return a.ScrapeLibraryUntil(pagenum, "") } // Download a single .aax file from Audible's website using the URL // discovered by the scraper. The file is downloaded to a .aax file // in the temp directory, with an intermediate .part while // downloading. The path to the aax is returned in order to be passed // to the converter. func (a *Account) DownloadSingleBook(client *Client, book Book) string { aax := client.TempDir + book.FileName + ".aax" out, err := os.Create(aax + ".part") unwrap(err) jar, _ := cookiejar.New(nil) httpcl := &http.Client{Jar: jar} req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", book.DownloadURL, nil) jaruri, _ := url.ParseRequestURI(book.DownloadURL) jar.SetCookies(jaruri, a.Auth) resp, err := httpcl.Do(req) unwrap(err) if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { log.Fatal("Request returned " + resp.Status) } nbytes, err := io.Copy(out, resp.Body) unwrap(err) if nbytes != resp.ContentLength { log.Fatal("Failed to write file to disk") } unwrap(os.Rename(aax+".part", aax)) return aax } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // _ _ _ _ _ // ___ ___ _ __ __ _ _ __ ___ _ __ _ _| |_(_) (_) |_ ___ ___ // / __|/ __| '__/ _` | '_ \ / _ \ '__| | | | | __| | | | __/ _ \/ __| // \__ \ (__| | | (_| | |_) | __/ | | |_| | |_| | | | || __/\__ \ // |___/\___|_| \__,_| .__/ \___|_| \__,_|\__|_|_|_|\__\___||___/ // |_| //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Determine if the current html token contains a book func tokBeginsBook(tt html.TokenType, tok html.Token) bool { return tt == html.StartTagToken && class(tok) == "adbl-library-content-row" } // Remove whitespace and other shell reserve characters from S func stripstr(s string) string { r := regexp.MustCompile( `\s|\\|\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\}|\*|\?|\!|\+|\,|\;|\&|\||\'|\"|‘`) s = r.ReplaceAllString(s, "") return s } // Remove extra whitespace and newlines from a string func cleanstr(s string) string { r := regexp.MustCompile(`\s+`) s = strings.TrimSpace(s) s = strings.Trim(s, "\n") s = r.ReplaceAllString(s, " ") return s } // Get the class attribute of html tag T func class(t html.Token) string { for _, a := range t.Attr { if a.Key == "class" { return cleanstr(a.Val) } } return "" } // Get the href attribute of html tag T func href(t html.Token) string { for _, a := range t.Attr { if a.Key == "href" { return cleanstr(a.Val) } } return "" } // Get the id attribute of html tag T func id(t html.Token) string { for _, a := range t.Attr { if a.Key == "id" { return cleanstr(a.Val) } } return "" } // Get the aria-label (how is this different from id??) attriute of hmtl tag T func aria_label(t html.Token) string { for _, a := range t.Attr { if a.Key == "aria-label" { return cleanstr(a.Val) } } return "" } // Get the book's author and narrator (translator?) func xPeople(dom *html.Tokenizer) []string { var people []string var prevtag string var pprevtag string tt := dom.Next() tok := dom.Token() for tok.Data != "li" { tt = dom.Next() tok = dom.Token() if tt == html.StartTagToken { pprevtag = prevtag prevtag = tok.Data } if tt == html.EndTagToken { pprevtag = prevtag prevtag = "" } if pprevtag == "a" && prevtag == "span" && tt == html.TextToken { people = append(people, cleanstr(tok.Data)) } } return people } // Get the book's summary func xSummary(dom *html.Tokenizer, tt html.TokenType, tok html.Token) string { var s string for !(tt == html.EndTagToken && tok.Data == "span") { tt = dom.Next() tok = dom.Token() if tt == html.TextToken { s += " " + tok.Data + " " s = cleanstr(s) } } return s } // Get the book's series name and index number func xSeries(dom *html.Tokenizer, tt html.TokenType, tok html.Token) (string, int) { var series string var index int for !(tt == html.EndTagToken && tok.Data == "span") { tt = dom.Next() tok = dom.Token() if tt == html.TextToken { if series == "" { series = cleanstr(tok.Data) } else if index == 0 { s := cleanstr(tok.Data) if strings.Contains(s, ", Book") { index, _ = strconv.Atoi(s[len(s)-1:]) } break } } } return series, index }