Experimental Common Lisp object storage abstraction for Unix file systems
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Leibowitz ========= * [Project Homepage](https://sr.ht/~thalia/leibowitz) * [Source Code](https://git.sr.ht/~thalia/leibowitz) * [Bug Tracker](https://todo.sr.ht/~thalia/leibowitz) * [Mailing List](https://lists.sr.ht/~thalia/leibowitz) Leibowitz is my attempt at building a personal knowledge management (PKM) platform. It consists of a Common Lisp library exposed as a command-line utility and a web interface that act as an abstraction layer over the Unix file system providing the following features: * **Tags**, which may be applied to files in a mutually-inclusive fashion allowing for much more granular organizational schemes than the mutually-exclusive Unix file system. Tags are also hierarchical meaning that any given tag may have other tags as its "parents" or "children". Think directories but much more flexible. * **Full text search** of textual dumps of all indexed files. This is done using a a dedicated full-text search engine fed with useful text extracted from files so results are more complete, have fewer false positives, and are presented much faster than with grep(1). * **Extensible** and **scriptable** in Common Lisp using the symbols exported by the `leibowitz` package. I take a batteries-included approach to development, however there's no way I can anticipate all use-cases so it should be relatively easy for end-users to tweak Leibowitz's behavior to fit the information they want to organize. * **Friendly for Unix hackers**. Although Leibowitz seeks to abstract over Unix's API in a way that's comfortable for Lisp hackers to use at a REPL, it is primarily intended to be used as a command-line tool. As such, I have done my best to make sure it adheres the conventions of Unix-like systems. * **A web interface** that consists of a somewhat primitive GUI for a browsing and managing a knowledge base. It does NOT yet have any concept of permissions so I would strongly recommend against exposing it over a network unless you trust every device connected to it or gate it behind HTTP basic authentication with a reverse proxy. At present Leibowitz is very much a work in progress and is varying degrees of useful from a REPL, the command line, and a web UI. **I WOULD STRONGLY RECOMMEND AGAINST USING IT IN PRODUCTION**. Installation and Usage ---------------------- In order to compile Leibowitz, you need to be running a Unix-like system with make(1) and the Steel Bank Common Lisp compiler. The ASDF build system and UIOP utility library are also needed, but will probably already be installed along with SBCL. In order to run Leibowitz, you need to have the SQLite3 library installed, and have the ffmpeg, mupdf, ImageMagick, and optionally LibreOffice programs installed somewhere in your `$PATH`. I've put effort into making building and installing as painless as possible for people who don't know Lisp: make deps make sudo make install This will download all of Leibowitz's Lisp dependencies to the build directory. If you have [quicklisp](https://www.quicklisp.org/) installed, you can set `WITH_QUICKLISP=1` when invoking `make` and forego the `make deps`. Usage information is available with `man 1 leibowitz`, which is still admittedly sparse. If you're familiar with Lisp, hacking on Leibowitz should be as simple as running `(load #P"leibowitz.asd")` and `(ql:quickload :leibowitz)`. If you don't want to use Quicklisp, download the dependencies with `make deps`, and at the REPL (load "build.lisp") (leibowitz.build:discover-systems "build/dependences/") (asdf:load-system :leibowitz) Integration tests may be run at the command line with `make test` or in the REPL with `(asdf:test-system :leibowitz)` (if any of them fail, use `(parachute:test 'leibowitz/tests::name-of-test :report 'parachute:interactive)` to debug them directly). Screenshot ---------- These examples all show a library of ebooks, mostly epub and pdf files.     Roadmap to 0.1 version; minimum viable product ---------------------------------------------- <details> <summary><b>Basic requirements: DONE</b></summary> ### Core - [X] ~~Fix predicate/predicand bug where tags are being automatically applied where they shouldn't be. This *might* be a usage error in web, which itself would indicate that my API is probably too unintuitive and in need of revision.~~ I haven't encountered this since so I'm almost certain I miss-used the core's API. - [X] Common Lisp's pathname type treats certain characters (eg, `*`, `[`, `]`) in file names specially; figure out how to work around this! This results in two different errors when calling `index`: - When such a file is in a directory that is being indexed we get ENOENT re-thrown up from `index-worker` in `index` (the error-handling currently truncates stack traces), I think this is caused by pathname/namestring conversion causes extra backslashes to be inserted at some point. - And when indexing it directly we get a type error `SB-IMPL::PATTERN is not of type VECTOR` from an `aref` call in `library-path-indexable-p`, I gather this is because pathname patterns are formed differently. ### Web - [X] Add more error handling to the web UI! Right now it is insanely easy to get this thing to crash. - [X] Expose the full API functionality in the web frontend: - [X] Editing data entries: - [X] Adding tags - [X] Removing tags - [X] Moving/renaming - [X] Uploading/importing from URL - [X] Manually reindexing files and directories; useful /tree - [X] Deleting - [X] Editing tag entries: - [X] Removing data - [X] Renaming tags - [X] Editing tag description - [X] Adding parents - [X] Removing parents - [X] Search and listing: - [X] Support changing the sort order and criterion for all data listings - [X] Paginate - [X] Card view for more convenient browsing - [X] Remove use of `library-list-files-in-dir` in web; wrappers around `list-files` should leverage its full capabilities for filtering. ### CLI - [X] The cli needs a way to normalize paths before passing them to the library; CL is absolutely clueless when it comes to resolving unix path notation. - [X] Expose the full API functionality in the CLI interface: - [X] Editing data entries: - [X] Adding tags - [X] Removing tags - [X] Moving/renaming - [X] Manually reindexing files and directories - [X] Deleting - [X] Viewing data summaries - [X] Editing tag entries: - [X] Adding data - [X] Removing data - [X] Renaming tags - [X] Editing tag description - [X] Adding parents - [X] Removing parents - [X] Adding children - [X] Removing children - [X] Viewing tag summaries - [X] Test `-i|--invert` flag for `tag edit` subcommands - [X] Search and listing: - [X] Support changing the sort order and criterion for all data listings </details> Known Bugs ---------- - SHA1 checksums retrieved from Quicklisp don't match the tarballs, I probably got them mismatched by accident. We're fetching over https so a MITM isn't a realistic threat, but I'd much rather get our libraries directly from upstream and verify them with the authors' PGP keys. - Sometimes doing a full-text search yields an error `Code CORRUPT: database disk image is malformed.` with the offending stanza being `select data.* from search left join data on data.id = search.id where search match ? order by rank`. Connecting to the database and running `pragma integrity_check` yields okay. Some light stackoverflowing indicated this might be a result damaged indexes, which would make sense considering it only (so far) shows up when doing full-text search. - Test harness breaks when `$LEIBOWTIZ_ROOT` is set, not a big deal but may have led to me spending several hours chasing down bugs that aren't there 🙃 - Full set of page numbers how up at the bottom of query page when no results are returned. Future Work ----------- ### Web - Make sure the web UI is properly accessible and easy to use with a screenreader. <https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/> - Add custom CSS and JS options. - For serving raw files in the web UI, use `Content-Disposition: attachement; filename=""` to preserve the filename when downloading... Or perhaps fix the URL to properly encode that? Really, I should stop storing absolute IDs as absolute paths and do something with inodes and relative paths. - Extend easy-routes to match larger chunks of the url (eg `/datum/@path` with `/datum/path/to/file.txt` yields `path ⇒ "path/to/file.txt"` like in Perl's Mojolicious library. - Use this to reduce the amount of ugly, ugly URL parameters in the web fronted - Add some concept of permissions. - Use https://leafletjs.com with OSM data to show maps of exif metadata from images, display GPS log files (eg, from gpslogger), and maybe various GIS formats. Will be harder in native though I could probably cheat by XEmbed'ing [mepo](https://sr.ht/~mil/mepo/) or something. - Display spacial graphs of tag relationships? ### Core - Add gitignore-style exclude/include patterns - Progress and status printouts should be in the core, like with index, so that users can see progress of, eg, cascading up the predicate tree. Should also gate all printing behind a dynamic variable and disable it in the test harness. Could do something fancy too like pass in a custom stream and print that if there are problems. - Add an inotify(7) listener to the daemon, and record inodes so that the indexer can catch (some) moved files. - Add support for similar non-Linux APIs like BSD's kqueue(2) and whatever the Android and win32 equivalents are. - Store paths relative to the library root so that libraries are actually portable. - Consider making the indexer run concurrently. I think some things in the core are still too fiddly for this to be wise. - **Listing and searching improvements (`list-data`, `query`, `list-tags`)**: - When listing and displaying data, we should check if the associated file exists on disk so that the cli and web may be able to easily display warnings. This would probably best be done with an extra slot on the datum class. - Unify `query` and `list-data` into a single method that restricts the view of the database, then expose this in the web and cli. EVERY view into the filesystem should thus be trivially filtered using the same sets of rules. - Offloading search to Xapian may make this less efficient, but I think that would be a worthwhile tradeoff. - These methods should have a `:filter` argument for specifying a function with which to process the output; if used carefully this could also be used to reduce both the code and the asymptotic runtime complexity of the current web and command-line listing functions. - Improve full text search to index different fields (path, title, body, tags, tag descriptions) separately so that the user may selectively search in them. I don't think this is supported by SQLite's FTS5, Xapian looks like a good alternative though I'll need to write a C shim and CFFI bindings for it. - **More information to store** - Add support for `datum` subclass and collection specific metadata fields (eg, author, exif data, etc), probably implemented as a special kind of tags. - For an appropriate `datum` subclass, integrate with the [Internet Archive's API](https://archive.org/developers/index-apis.html) to view historical snapshots of webpages the user has saved onto their computer, either as a monolithic html file, a full site archive via, eg, `wget -np -rkEpD example.com example.com/somewhere`, or a .webloc or .url file. Could also integrate with web archive collections like gallery-dl to link to historical versions of the archived document, though that's less useful I think. - Implement collections for gallery-dl archives, Unix man and GNU info databases, kiwix zim archives (eg, mediawiki and stackexchange dumps, etc. - **Semantic analysis of tags and data** - Tag similarities could potentially be computed by some combination of: - Good old Levenshtein distance to catch alternate spellings. - Linguistic analysis, probably provided by a full-text search engine. I believe Xapian exposes some of these APIs. - Statistical analysis of tags' data, a set of tags are probably pretty similar if they share a majority of data - Sibling tags in the hierarchy could be found by looking for tags whose ancestor hierarchy is similar; ie statistical analysis of subgraphs of the overall DAG. - For data similarities the best general approach would probably be to store vector embeddings of each datum and find the nearest neighbors of each, probably using the [Hierarchical Navigable Small World algorithm](https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.09320). This could also be applied to find semantically similar tags. - For audio and image data we could probably use the same sorts of algorithms used by the likes of Shazam and Yandex's reverse image search to get semantic structure from non-textual data — I need to read up on this more. ### Miscellaneous - Add a native GUI, probably with either TK or QT via the Clasp compiler's C++ FFI. - Port to systems other than Linux and BSD and verify support for architectures other than 64 bit Intel. - Leibowitz should be usable on really slow hardware and scale reasonably well to multi-terabyte datasets. This will probably require additional backends for things like PostgreSQL, and maybe Apache SOLR and/or ElasticSearch. - A CouchDB backend could maybe be used to implement an interesting mutli-device client/server model with aggressive caching. - Get the client program and daemon mode working! - Could be interesting to supplement search with a local LLM, probably Facebook's [Llama2](https://ai.meta.com/llama/), fed entirely by your local corpus. Notes ----- * Good UI: <https://github.com/philomena-dev/philomena> for example in <https://derpibooru.org/>. Leibowitz could integrate with a tagged forum like Tumblr or Dreamwidth/Livejournal where each datum is a post with replies/comments and tags... * Fucking SQLite FTS5 https://darksi.de/13.sqlite-fts5-structure/ * We might be able to reduce the executable's size by moving SBCL symbols into a shared library https://github.com/quil-lang/sbcl-librarian * https://archive-it.org/post/the-stack-warc-file/ * Interesting article about categorizing data: https://web.archive.org/web/20050601013309/http://shirky.com/writings/ontology_overrated.html * [Memento web protocol](http://www.mementoweb.org/about/) for managing web page archives * Fast pagination in Postgres, probably at least a little applicable to SQLite https://chrisdone.com/posts/postgresql-pagination/ * Search engines * https://github.com/typesense/typesense (in memory) * https://github.com/meilisearch/meilisearch