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Experimental Common Lisp object storage abstraction for Unix file systems
About Files Commits git clone https://ulthar.xyz/repos/leibowitz/leibowitz.git


Download raw file: cli/main.lisp

;;; Entrypoint for the command-line application

(in-package :leibowitz.cli)

;;; Globals set at runtime

(defvar *data-directory*)
(defvar *cache-directory*)
(defvar *base-directory*)
(defvar *config-file*)
(defvar *library*)
(defvar *webserver*)
(defvar *interactive-session-p* T
  "This variable should be T when we're hooked up to a REPL, either while
hacking or running with a slynk server.  It determines how errors are
presented to the user; either by printing a message/returning an error
page or by promoting it in the hope that there is a debugger waiting.")
(defvar *load-config-p* T
  "Disables loading the config file for certain subcommands (help,
version) or when -q is passed.")

;;; Make me type less

(defmacro defsubcmd (name (cmd) (&rest definition) &body handler)
  (labels ((edit-sym (symbol-or-list &optional (fmt "~A"))
             (read-from-string (format NIL fmt symbol-or-list)))
           (sym2str (symbol)
             (string-downcase (format NIL "~A" symbol))))
    (let ((internal-name
            (etypecase name (symbol name) (list (edit-sym name "~{~A~^.~}"))))
            (sym2str (etypecase name (symbol name) (list (car (last name)))))))
         (defun ,(edit-sym internal-name "~A/definition") ()
            :pre-hook #'%subcommand-pre-hook
            :name ,external-name
            :handler (quote ,(edit-sym internal-name "~A/handler"))
         (defun ,(edit-sym internal-name "~A/handler") (,cmd)

(defmacro need-two-arguments
    ((arg1 arg2) (&key (else "Two arguments required!")) &body body)
     (unless (= (length (clingon:command-arguments cmd)) 2)
       (error ,else))
     (destructuring-bind (,arg1 ,arg2) (clingon:command-arguments cmd)

(defun %get-toplevel-command (cmd)
  (let ((parent (clingon:command-parent cmd)))
    (if parent (%get-toplevel-command parent) cmd)))

(defun %subcommand-pre-hook (cmd)
  "This function is run before the subcommand handlers are invoked.  It
calls the handler function for the top-level arguments (which clingon
doesn't seem to call by default).  We're using those to configure very
fundamental aspects of our run time state so that's pretty important.
Once the top-level arguments have been processed and before the
relevant subcommand is run, it loads the config file."
  (let ((top-level-cmd (%get-toplevel-command cmd)))
    (funcall (clingon:command-handler top-level-cmd) top-level-cmd))
  (when (and *load-config-p* (not (equal (clingon:command-name cmd) "help")))
    (load *config-file* :if-does-not-exist NIL)))

(defun %print-help-for-subcommand (cmd)
  (let ((args (clingon:command-arguments cmd))
        (parent (clingon:command-parent cmd)))
    (labels ((find-subcmd (arg cmd)
                (lambda (c) (equal (clingon:command-name c) arg))
                (clingon:command-sub-commands (clingon:command-parent cmd)))))
      (if args
          (loop for arg in args
                for subcmd = (find-subcmd arg cmd)
                do (if subcmd
                       (clingon:print-usage-and-exit subcmd *standard-output*)
                       (error 'no-such-subcommand :subcmd arg)))
          (clingon:print-usage-and-exit parent *standard-output*)))))

(defun group-command-handler (cmd)
  "Handler for commands that are not intended to be called bare."
  (clingon:print-usage cmd *error-output*)
  (error "Error: you didn't pass a valid subcommand."))

(defun %edit-in-editor (&optional (initial-content "") (collect-lines-p T))
  (let ((initial-content (etypecase initial-content
                           (string initial-content)
                           (list (with-output-to-string (s)
                                   (format s "~{~A~%~}" initial-content)))))
        (final-content NIL)
        (path (uiop:tmpize-pathname #P"/tmp/leibowitz_editor_session"))
        (editor (uiop:getenv "EDITOR")))
    (format T "Invoking $EDITOR: \"~A ~A\"...~%" editor (namestring path))
           (when (or (null editor) (zerop (length editor)))
             (error "Set $EDITOR to a text editor program (eg, emacs) and try again."))
           (unless (interactive-stream-p *standard-output*)
             (error "Stdout doesn't appear to be connected to a terminal."))
           (with-open-file (s path :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
             (format s "~A~%" initial-content))
            (format NIL "~A ~A" editor (uiop:unix-namestring path))
            :input :interactive :output :interactive :error-output T)
           (with-open-file (s path)
             (setf final-content (if collect-lines-p
                                     (collect-lines s)
                                     (read-stream-to-string s)))))
      (ignore-errors (delete-file path)))
    (format T "Returning from editor with ~A line~:P.~%" (length final-content))

(defun %collect-args-stdin-editor (cmd &optional (editor-preset NIL)
                                         (stdin-threshold 1))
  "For multiple subcommands we'd like to be able to read input from the
command line, from stdin, or pop open an editor so the user can do
certain batch operations more quickly.  Given a command implementing
the -e/--edit argument, a list of lines to present in an editor
window, and an offset into argv at which to look for important
arguments, this function returns a list of strings to be processed.
These strings were either retrieved from the command-line, read from
stdin, or interactively edited by the user at their text editor."
  (if (clingon:getopt cmd :edit)
      (%edit-in-editor editor-preset)
      (if (= (length (clingon:command-arguments cmd)) stdin-threshold)
          (subseq (clingon:command-arguments cmd) stdin-threshold))))

;;; Entrypoints

(defun main (&key (test-harness-p NIL) (test-argv NIL))
  (setf *base-directory* (user-homedir-pathname))
  (setf *data-directory* (uiop:xdg-data-home "leibowitz/"))
  (setf *cache-directory* (uiop:xdg-cache-home "leibowitz/"))
  (setf *config-file* (uiop:xdg-config-home "leibowitz/config.lisp"))
  ;; FIXME: clingon catches all condition and prints them to stderr.
  ;; They're often not very informative, figure out a way to bypass
  ;; this and handle them here, printing more friendly error messages
  ;; or stack traces as appropriate.
  (if test-harness-p
      (let ((cmd (clingon:parse-command-line (toplevel/definition) test-argv)))
        (funcall (clingon:command-handler cmd) cmd))
      (clingon:run (toplevel/definition))))

;;; Top-level command-line

(defun toplevel/definition ()
   :name        #.(get-asdf-metadata :name)
   :version     #.(get-asdf-metadata :version)
   :license     #.(get-asdf-metadata :license)
   ;; `get-asdf-metadata' returns a list for the authors key, we must
   ;; quote it lest it be mis-interpreted as a function call.
   :authors     (quote #.(get-asdf-metadata :authors))
   :description #.(get-asdf-metadata :description)
   :handler #'toplevel/handler
   :sub-commands (list (help/definition)
   :options (list (clingon:make-option
                   :description "Evaluate a Lisp form in the leibowitz package immediately after setup."
                   :short-name #\e
                   :long-name "eval"
                   :initial-value NIL
                   :key :eval)
                   :description "Specify a directory in which to run in root mode."
                   :short-name #\r
                   :long-name "root"
                   :env-vars '("LEIBOWITZ_ROOT")
                   :initial-value NIL
                   :key :root)
                   :hidden T
                   :description "Print zsh-completions to stdout."
                   :long-name "zsh-completions"
                   :key :zsh-completions)
                   :hidden T
                   :description "Print markdown usage docs to stdout."
                   :long-name "markdown-documentation"
                   :key :markdown-documentation)
                   :hidden T
                   :description "Print mandoc documentation to stdout."
                   :long-name "mandoc-documentation"
                   :key :mandoc-documentation)
                   :description "Run a slynk server for interactive debugging."
                   :short-name #\s
                   :long-name "slynk"
                   :env-vars '("LEIBOWITZ_RUN_SLYNK")
                   :key :slynk)
                   :description "Specify the port slynk will listen in."
                   :short-name #\p
                   :long-name "slynk-port"
                   :env-vars '("LEIBOWITZ_SLYNK_PORT")
                   :initial-value 4005
                   :key :slynk-port)
                   :description "Wait for a slynk/swank client to connect before doing anything."
                   :short-name #\w
                   :long-name "slynk-wait"
                   :env-vars '("LEIBOWITZ_SLYNK_WAIT")
                   :key :slynk-wait)
                   :description "Specify an alternate config file."
                   :short-name #\c
                   :long-name "config"
                   :env-vars '("LEIBOWITZ_CONFIG")
                   :key :config)
                   :description "Disable loading config file."
                   :short-name #\n
                   :long-name "no-config"
                   :key :no-config)
   :examples '(("Leibowitz supports self-contained libraries, meaning that for some
value of the variable LEIBOWITZ_ROOT, all metadata pertaining to the
files under that directory are stored there.  This is useful if you'd
like to have self-contained libraries of different kinds of data, like
your collections of ebooks, or memes, or whatever:"
                . "$ export LEIBOWITZ_ROOT=/path/to/library/
$ leibowitz index /path/to/library/
Indexing /path/to/library/file_1.ext
Indexing /path/to/library/file_n.ext
$ find /path/to/library/.leibowitiz/ -type f
$ leibowitz info
Welcome to Leibowitz!
     Config file: /path/to/library/.leibowitz/config.lisp
  Base directory: /path/to/library/
  Data directory: /path/to/library/.leibowitz/
 Cache directory: /path/to/library/.leibowitz/cache/
SQLite Library on /path/to/library/.leibowitz/ontology.db with N tags and M files.")

               ("If you DON'T set LEIBOWITZ_ROOT, all data will be stored in the
conventional locations in your home directory.  For this and for the
preceding example, the only files Leibowitz will know about are those
you explicitly (or implicitly because of shell patterns or directory
recursion) index."
                . "$ unset $LEIBOWITZ_ROOT
$ leibowitz info
Welcome to Leibowitz!
     Config file: /home/you/.config/leibowitz/config.lisp
  Base directory: /home/you/
  Data directory: /home/you/.local/share/leibowitz/
 Cache directory: /home/you/.cache/leibowitz/
SQLite Library on /home/you/.local/share/leibowitz/ontology.db with N tags and M files."))
   "Leibowitz is a personal library management engine.  It consists of a
Common Lisp library exposed as a command-line utility and a web
interface that act as an abstraction layer over the Unix file system,
providing a number of extra features.  These include
mutually-inclusive file tagging, full text search (using an index and
extractors for non-textual files, so it's faster and more complete
than grep), and easy modification in Common Lisp directly.  See the
EXAMPLES section for advice on how to get started using Leibowitz to
manage files."))

(defun toplevel/handler (cmd)
  (when (= (length (uiop:command-line-arguments)) 0)
    (group-command-handler cmd))
  (when (clingon:getopt cmd :help)
    (clingon:print-usage-and-exit cmd *standard-output*))
  (when (clingon:getopt cmd :zsh-completions)
    (clingon:print-documentation :zsh-completions (toplevel/definition) *standard-output*)
    (uiop:quit 0))
  (when (clingon:getopt cmd :markdown-documentation)
    (clingon:print-documentation :markdown (toplevel/definition) T)
    (uiop:quit 0))
  (when (clingon:getopt cmd :mandoc-documentation)
    (clingon:print-documentation :mandoc (toplevel/definition) T)
    (uiop:quit 0))
  (let ((root (clingon:getopt cmd :root)))
    (when root
      (setf root (truename root))
      (setf *base-directory* root)
      (setf *data-directory* (merge-pathnames ".leibowitz/" root))
      (setf *cache-directory* (merge-pathnames ".leibowitz/cache/" root))
      (setf *config-file* (merge-pathnames ".leibowitz/config.lisp" root))))
  (when (clingon:getopt cmd :slynk)
    (let ((slynk-port (clingon:getopt cmd :slynk-port))
          (slynk::*slynk-debug-p* NIL))
      (format T "Running debug server on localhost:~A...~%" slynk-port)
      (slynk:create-server :port slynk-port)
      (when (clingon:getopt cmd :slynk-wait)
        (format T "Waiting for a slynk/swank connection, press ENTER when ready.~%")
        (loop until (and (eql (read-char) #\Newline) slynk::*connections*)))))
  ;; FIXME: this will be inconvenient for hackers who use SLIME
  ;; instead of SLY!
  (unless slynk::*connections*
    (setf *interactive-session-p* NIL))
  (let ((config (clingon:getopt cmd :config)))
    (when config (setf *config-file* config)))
  (when (clingon:getopt cmd :no-config) (setf *load-config-p* NIL))
  (setf *library*
         :db-path (merge-pathnames "ontology.db" *data-directory*)
         :thumbnail-cache-dir (merge-pathnames "thumbnails/" *cache-directory*)
         :static-resource-dir *data-directory*
         :homedir *base-directory*))
  (let ((form (clingon:getopt cmd :eval))
        (*package* (find-package :leibowitz)))
    (when form
      (with-input-from-string (s form)
        (print (eval (read s)))
        (princ #\Newline)))))

;;; Subcommand: help

(defsubcmd help (cmd)
    (:description "Another way to print help info."
     :usage "<subcommand>")
  (setf *load-config-p* NIL)
  (%print-help-for-subcommand cmd))

;;; Subcommand: info

(defsubcmd info (cmd)
    (:description "Print information and statistics about the dataset.")
  (declare (ignore cmd))
  (format T "Welcome to Leibowitz!~%")
  (format T "     Config file: ~A~%" (namestring *config-file*))
  (format T "  Base directory: ~A~%" (namestring *base-directory*))
  (format T "  Data directory: ~A~%" (namestring *data-directory*))
  (format T " Cache directory: ~A~%" (namestring *cache-directory*))
  (library-print-info *library*))

;;; Subcommand: index

(defsubcmd index (cmd)
    (:description "Recursively index a file or files, reading from stdin if none are specified."
     :usage "<paths...>")
  (let ((args (clingon:command-arguments cmd)))
    (if args
        (index *library* args)
        (index *library* (collect-lines)))))

;;; Subcommand: web

(defsubcmd web (cmd)
    (:description "Display a web UI."
     :options (list (clingon:make-option
                     :description "Specify a port on which to run the web UI."
                     :short-name #\p
                     :long-name "port"
                     :env-vars '("LEIBOWITZ_WEB_PORT")
                     :initial-value 5000
                     :key :port)))
  (let ((port (clingon:getopt cmd :port)))
    (unless *interactive-session-p*
      ;; When running interactively, errors will open a debugger
      ;; session, otherwise a backtrace will be printed to stderr and
      ;; shown on the 500 page
      (setf hunchentoot:*catch-errors-p* T))
    (format T "Running webserver on localhost:~A...~%" port)
    (setf *webserver* (make-instance 'webserver :port port :library *library*))
    (webserver-run *webserver*)
     (find-if (lambda (th) (search "hunchentoot-listener-" (bt:thread-name th)))

;;; Subcommand: find

(defsubcmd find (cmd)
    (:description "Search your data."
     :usage "<search terms...>"
     ;; FIXME: add support for tag filtering!
     :options (list (clingon:make-option
                     :description "Reverse sort direction, default shows best match at top."
                     :short-name #\r
                     :long-name "reverse"
                     :initial-value NIL
                     :key :reverse)
                     :description "Criterion to sort search results by, default is rank."
                     :short-name #\s
                     :long-name "sort-by"
                     :initial-value "rank"
                     :key :sort-by)))
  (when (zerop (length (clingon:command-arguments cmd)))
    (error "Query string not specified"))
  (let* ((query (format NIL "~{~A~^ ~}" (clingon:command-arguments cmd)))
         (direction (if (clingon:getopt cmd :reverse) :descending :ascending))
         (sort-by (intern (string-upcase (clingon:getopt cmd :sort-by)) :keyword))
         (results (query *library* query :direction direction :sort-by sort-by)))
    (loop for res in results
          for id = (datum-id res)
          for tags = (datum-num-tags *library* id)
          do (format T "(~A tags) ~A~%" tags id))))

;;; Subcommand: show

(defsubcmd show (cmd)
    (:description "Print information about files."
     :usage "<paths...>")
  (loop for path in (clingon:command-arguments cmd)
        do (datum-print-long-report *library* (get-datum *library* path :error T))))

;;; Subcommand: mv

(defsubcmd mv (cmd)
    (:description "Move or rename a file, keeping metadata and tags intact."
     :usage "<source> <destination>"
     :options (list (clingon:make-option
                     :short-name #\f
                     :long-name "force"
                     :key :force
                     :description "Overwrite existing files.")))
  (need-two-arguments (src dst)
    (:else "You must specify a source name and a destination name")
        (move-datum *library* src dst :overwrite (clingon:getopt cmd :force))
      (datum-already-exists ()
        ;; Catch this error in order to print a more helpful message.
        (error "File ~S already exists, pass -f to overwrite.~%" dst)))))

;;; Subcommand: cp

(defsubcmd cp (cmd)
    (:description "Copy a file, duplicating its tags and metadata."
     :usage "<source> <destination>"
     :options (list (clingon:make-option
                     :short-name #\f
                     :long-name "force"
                     :key :force
                     :description "Overwrite new if it exists.")))
  (need-two-arguments (src dst)
      (:else "You must specify a source path and a destination path")
        (copy-datum *library* src dst :overwrite (clingon:getopt cmd :force))
      (datum-already-exists ()
        ;; Catch this error in order to print a more helpful message.
        (error "Destination ~A already exists, pass -f to overwrite.~%" dst)))))

;;; Subcommand: rm

(defsubcmd rm (cmd)
    (:description "Remove a file, including all tag and metadata associations."
     :usage "<paths...>")
  (loop for path in (clingon:command-arguments cmd)
        do (del-datum *library* path :error T)))

;;; Subcommand: ls

(defsubcmd ls (cmd)
    (:description "List indexed files."
     :usage "<directories...>"
     :options (list (clingon:make-option
                     :description "Filter by tag, may be pass multiple times."
                     :short-name #\t
                     :long-name "tag"
                     :initial-value NIL
                     :key :tags)
                     :description "Criterion by which to sort files."
                     :short-name #\s
                     :long-name "sort-by"
                     :initial-value "modified"
                     :items '(("modified" . :modified)
                              ("birth"    . :birth)
                              ("accesses" . :accesses))
                     :key :sort-by)
                     :description "Filter by mime type."
                     :short-name #\m
                     :long-name "mime"
                     :initial-value NIL
                     :key :mime)
                     :description "Include unindexed files."
                     :short-name #\u
                     :long-name "unindexed"
                     :key :unindexed)
                     :description "Reverse sort order of results."
                     :short-name #\r
                     :long-name "reverse"
                     :key :reverse)))
    (labels ((format-indexed (file dir)
             (format T "~A tag~:P~15T~A~%"
                     (datum-num-tags *library* file)
                       (uiop:parse-unix-namestring (datum-id file))
           (format-unindexed (file dir)
             (format T "[unindexed]~15T~A~%"
                     (uiop:native-namestring (uiop:enough-pathname file dir))))
           (format-subdir (sub dir)
             (format T "---------->~15T~A~%" (uiop:native-namestring
                                              (uiop:enough-pathname sub dir)))))
    ;; FIXME: use of truenameize and directory-exists-p means we won't
    ;; be able to list directories out of sync with the database
    (let* ((args (clingon:command-arguments cmd))
           (dirs (if args (mapcar #'uiop:truenamize args) (list (uiop:getcwd))))
           (tags (clingon:getopt cmd :tags))
           (sort (clingon:getopt cmd :sort-by))
           (mime (clingon:getopt cmd :mime))
           (direction (if (clingon:getopt cmd :reverse) :ascending :descending))
           (unindexed (clingon:getopt cmd :unindexed)))
      (loop for dir in dirs
            when (uiop:directory-exists-p dir)
              do (format T "Listing for ~A:~%~
                          ~:[~;    Restricted to mime type ~:*~S~%~]~
                          ~:[~;    Restricted to tag~P ~2:*~{~S~^, ~}~%~]"
                         dir mime tags (length tags))
                 (mapcar (lambda (sub) (format-subdir sub dir))
                         (uiop:subdirectories dir))
                 (mapcar (lambda (file) (format-indexed file dir))
                         (list-data *library* :dir dir :type mime :tags tags
                                              :sort-by sort :direction direction))
                 (when unindexed
                   (mapcar (lambda (file)
                             (unless (get-datum *library* file)
                               (format-unindexed file dir)))
                           (uiop:directory-files dir)))
                 (princ #\Newline)))))

;;; Subcommand group: tag

;; Don't use defsubcmd since we don't want the :pre-hook ran until
;; right before tag subsubcommand handler... though I think that
;; doesn't make any difference with an empty handler
(defun tag/definition ()
   :name "tag"
   :handler #'group-command-handler
   :description "Parent command for all tag operations."
   :sub-commands (list (tag.help/definition)
                       ;; (tag-rm/definition)

;;;; Subcommand: tag help

(defsubcmd (tag help) (cmd)
    (:description "Print help for tag subcommands."
     :usage "<subcommand>")
  (setf *load-config-p* NIL)
  (%print-help-for-subcommand cmd))

;;;; Subcommand: tag show

(defsubcmd (tag show) (cmd)
    (:description "Show information about one or more tags."
     :usage "<tag names...>")
  (loop for name in (clingon:command-arguments cmd)
        do (tag-print-long-report *library* (get-tag *library* name :error T))))

;;;; Subcommand: tag ls

(defsubcmd (tag ls) (cmd)
    (:description "List tags, optionally filtered to union of specified paths."
     :usage "<paths...>"
     :options (list (clingon:make-option
                     :short-name #\n
                     :long-name "no-label"
                     :key :no-label
                     :description "Don't print tag labels; useful for Unix scripting.")))
  (loop for tag in (alx:if-let ((paths (clingon:command-arguments cmd)))
                     ;; FIXME: filtering by files really, really
                     ;; should be done in list-tags
                     (sort (alx:flatten
                            (mapcar (lambda (p) (get-datum-tags *library* p))
                           #'> :key (lambda (elt) (tag-count elt)))
                     (list-tags *library*))
        do (format T "~A file~:P~15T~A~%~:[~;  ~:*~S~%~]"
                   (tag-count tag) (tag-name tag)
                   (if (clingon:getopt cmd :no-label) NIL (tag-label tag)))))

;;;; Subcommand: tag mv

(defsubcmd (tag mv) (cmd)
    (:description "Move or rename a tag."
     :usage "<source> <destination>"
     :options (list (clingon:make-option
                     :short-name #\f
                     :long-name "force"
                     :key :force
                     :description "Overwrite dst if it already exists.")
                     :short-name #\m
                     :long-name "merge"
                     :key :merge
                     :description "Merge src into dst if dst already exists.")))
  (need-two-arguments (src dst)
      (:else "You must specify a source name and a destination name")
        (move-tag *library* src dst :merge (clingon:getopt cmd :merge)
                                    :overwrite (clingon:getopt cmd :force))
      (tag-already-exists ()
        ;; Catch this error in order to print a more helpful message.
        (error "Tag ~S already exists, pass -f to overwrite or -m to merge~%" dst)))))

;;;; Subcommand: tag cp

(defsubcmd (tag cp) (cmd)
    (:description "Copy a tag."
     :usage "<source> <destination>"
     :options (list (clingon:make-option
                     :short-name #\f
                     :long-name "force"
                     :key :force
                     :description "Overwrite dst if it already exists.")
                     :short-name #\m
                     :long-name "merge"
                     :key :merge
                     :description "Merge src into dst if dst already exists.")))
  (need-two-arguments (src dst)
      (:else "You must specify a source name and a destination name")
        (copy-tag *library* src dst :merge (clingon:getopt cmd :merge)
                                    :overwrite (clingon:getopt cmd :force))
      (tag-already-exists ()
        ;; Catch this error in order to print a more helpful message.
        (error "Tag ~S already exists, pass -f to overwrite or -m to merge~%"

;;;; Subcommand: tag rm

(defsubcmd (tag rm) (cmd)
    (:description "Remove one or more tags."
     :usage "<tag names...>")
  (loop for tag in (if (clingon:command-arguments cmd)
                       (clingon:command-arguments cmd)
        do (del-tag *library* tag)))

;;; Subcommand group: tag edit

(defun tag.edit/definition ()
   :name "edit"
   :handler #'group-command-handler
   :description "Edit tag files and parents, reading from stdin if arguments are omitted."
   :sub-commands (list (tag.edit.help/definition)

;;;; Subcommand: tag edit help

(defsubcmd (tag edit help) (cmd)
    (:description "Print help for tag edit subcommands."
     :usage "<subcommand>")
  (setf *load-config-p* NIL)
  (%print-help-for-subcommand cmd))

;;; Subcommand: tag edit tags

(defsubcmd (tag edit tags) (cmd)
    (:description "Add (default) or remove multiple tags on a single file."
     :usage "<path> <tags names...>"
     :options (list (clingon:make-option
                     :description "Replace this file's tags, meaningless with -c."
                     :short-name #\r
                     :long-name "replace"
                     :initial-value NIL
                     :key :replace)
                     :description "Edit the list of tags in $EDITOR, implies -r."
                     :short-name #\e
                     :long-name "edit"
                     :initial-value NIL
                     :key :edit)
                     :description "Invert the selection to remove rather than add."
                     :short-name #\i
                     :long-name "invert"
                     :key :invert)
                     :description "Also remove parent tags from path, needs -i."
                     :short-name #\c
                     :long-name "cascade"
                     :key :cascade)))
  (when (zerop (length (clingon:command-arguments cmd)))
    (error "No file specified."))
  (let* ((replace (or (clingon:getopt cmd :replace)
                      (clingon:getopt cmd :edit)))
         (invert  (clingon:getopt cmd :invert))
         (cascade (clingon:getopt cmd :cascade))
         (path (car (clingon:command-arguments cmd)))
         (tags (%collect-args-stdin-editor
                cmd (mapcar #'tag-name (get-datum-tags *library* path)))))
    (cond (invert
           (del-datum-tags *library* path tags :cascade cascade))
          (T (if replace
                 (format T "Replacing tags for file ~S with ~S~%" path tags)
                 (format T "Adding tags to file ~S: ~S~%" path tags))
             (add-datum-tags *library* path tags :replace replace)))))

;;;; Subcommand: tag edit files

(defsubcmd (tag edit files) (cmd)
    (:description "Add (default) or remove a single tag for multiple files"
     :usage "<tag name> <paths...>"
     :options (list (clingon:make-option
                     :description "Replace this tag's files, meaningless with -i."
                     :short-name #\r
                     :long-name "replace"
                     :initial-value NIL
                     :key :replace)
                     :description "Edit the list of files in $EDITOR, implies -r."
                     :short-name #\e
                     :long-name "edit"
                     :initial-value NIL
                     :key :edit)
                     :description "Invert the selection to remove rather than add."
                     :short-name #\i
                     :long-name "invert"
                     :key :invert)
                     :description "Also remove parent tags from path, needs -r, -e, or -i."
                     :short-name #\c
                     :long-name "cascade"
                     :key :cascade)))
  (when (zerop (length (clingon:command-arguments cmd)))
    (error "No tag specified."))
  (let* ((replace (or (clingon:getopt cmd :replace)
                      (clingon:getopt cmd :edit)))
         (invert  (clingon:getopt cmd :invert))
         (cascade (clingon:getopt cmd :cascade))
         (tag (car (clingon:command-arguments cmd)))
         (paths (mapcar (lambda (rel) (namestring (uiop:truenamize rel)))
                         cmd (mapcar #'datum-id
                                     (list-data *library* :tags (list tag)))))))
    (unless invert
      (loop for path in paths
            do (add-datum-tags *library* path (list tag))))
    (when (or invert replace)
      (loop for path in (if invert
                            (loop for d in (list-data *library* :tags (list tag))
                                  for path = (datum-id d)
                                  unless (member path paths :test #'equal)
                                    collect path))
            do (del-datum-tags *library* path (list tag) :cascade cascade)))))

;;;; Subcommand: tag edit parents

(defsubcmd (tag edit parents) (cmd)
    (:description "Add (default) or remove parent tags of a tag."
     :usage "<tag names...>"
     :options (list (clingon:make-option
                     :description "Replace this tag's parents with the specified list."
                     :short-name #\r
                     :long-name "replace"
                     :initial-value NIL
                     :key :replace)
                     :description "Edit the list of parent tags in $EDITOR, implies -r"
                     :short-name #\e
                     :long-name "edit"
                     :initial-value NIL
                     :key :edit)
                     :description "Invert the selection to remove rather than add."
                     :short-name #\i
                     :long-name "invert"
                     :key :invert)))
  (when (zerop (length (clingon:command-arguments cmd)))
    (error "No tag specified."))
  (let* ((replace (or (clingon:getopt cmd :replace)
                      (clingon:getopt cmd :edit)))
         (invert (clingon:getopt cmd :invert))
         (tag (car (clingon:command-arguments cmd)))
         (parents (%collect-args-stdin-editor
                   cmd (mapcar #'tag-name (get-tag-predicates *library* tag)))))
    (unless invert
      (loop for parent in parents
            do (add-tag-predicate *library* tag parent)))
    (when (or replace invert)
      (loop for parent in (if invert
                              (loop for p in (get-tag-predicates *library* tag)
                                    for name = (tag-name p)
                                    unless (member name parents :test #'equal)
                                      collect name))
            do (del-tag-predicate *library* tag parent)))))

;;;; Subcommand: tag edit children

(defsubcmd (tag edit children) (cmd)
    (:description "Add (default) or remove child tags of a tag."
     :usage "<tag names...>"
     :options (list (clingon:make-option
                     :description "Replace this tag's children with the specified list."
                     :short-name #\r
                     :long-name "replace"
                     :initial-value NIL
                     :key :replace)
                     :description "Edit the list of child tags in $EDITOR, implies -r."
                     :short-name #\e
                     :long-name "edit"
                     :initial-value NIL
                     :key :edit)
                     :description "Invert the selection to remove rather than add."
                     :short-name #\i
                     :long-name "invert"
                     :key :invert)))
  (when (zerop (length (clingon:command-arguments cmd)))
    (error "No tag specified."))
  (let* ((replace (or (clingon:getopt cmd :replace)
                      (clingon:getopt cmd :edit)))
         (invert (clingon:getopt cmd :invert))
         (tag (car (clingon:command-arguments cmd)))
         (children (%collect-args-stdin-editor
                    cmd (mapcar #'tag-name (get-tag-predicands *library* tag)))))
    (unless invert
      (loop for child in children
            do (add-tag-predicate *library* child tag)))
    (when (or replace invert)
      (loop for child in (if invert
                             (loop for c in (get-tag-predicands *library* tag)
                                   for name = (tag-name c)
                                   unless (member name children :test #'equal)
                                     collect name))
            do (del-tag-predicate *library* child tag)))))

;;;; Subcommand: tag edit label

(defsubcmd (tag edit label) (cmd)
    (:description "Edit a tag's label, replacing it if it already exists"
     :usage "<tag name> <label>"
     :options (list (clingon:make-option
                     :description "Edit the label in $EDITOR."
                     :short-name #\e
                     :long-name "edit"
                     :initial-value NIL
                     :key :edit)))
  (when (zerop (length (clingon:command-arguments cmd)))
    (error "No tag specified."))
  (let* ((name (car (clingon:command-arguments cmd)))
         (tag  (get-tag *library* name))
         (label (if (clingon:getopt cmd :edit)
                    (%edit-in-editor (if tag (tag-label tag) "") NIL)
                    (if (= (length (clingon:command-arguments cmd)) 1)
                        (cadr (clingon:command-arguments cmd))))))
    (unless tag (setf tag (make-instance 'tag :name name)))
    (when (zerop (length label)) (setf label NIL))
    (format T "Label: ~S~%" label)
    (setf (tag-label tag) label)
    (add-tag *library* tag)))
Generated 2025-03-07 15:24:22 -0700 by RepoRat