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Experimental Common Lisp object storage abstraction for Unix file systems
About Files Commits git clone https://ulthar.xyz/repos/leibowitz/leibowitz.git


Download raw file: core/collections/homedir.lisp

;;; The default collection, used for files in the user's home

(in-package :leibowitz.core)

(defclass collection-homedir (collection)
    :type pathname
    :initarg :root
    :initform (user-homedir-pathname)
    :accessor collection-homedir-root)
    :type list
    :initarg :includes
    :initform '("*")
    :accessor collection-homedir-includes
    :documentation "")
    :type list
    :initarg :excludes
    :initform '(".*")
    :accessor collection-homedir-excludes
    :documentation ""))
  (:documentation ""))

(defmethod print-object ((c collection-homedir) stream)
  (print-unreadable-object (c stream :type T)
    (format stream "~A" (collection-homedir-root c))))

(defmethod collection-applicable-p ((c collection-homedir) (id string))
  (let* ((id (uiop:parse-unix-namestring id))
         (root (uiop:native-namestring (collection-homedir-root c)))
         ;; Handle the case where some part of our root path is a
         ;; symlink, like how FreeBSD links /home to /usr/home
           (uiop:native-namestring (truename (collection-homedir-root c))))
         ;; If the file exists on disk, resolve symlinks
         (id (uiop:native-namestring (if (probe-file id)
                                         (truename id)
                                         (merge-pathnames id)))))
    ;; FIXME: As a result of the way we're processing ID through
    ;; uiop:parse-unix-namestring → merge-pathnames →
    ;; uiop:native-namestring this will return T for ANY value of ID
    ;; that doesn't point to an existing file :/
    (if (or (eql 0 (search root id))
            (eql 0 (search root-without-symlinks id)))

(defmethod collection-index ((l library) (c collection-homedir) id)
  (check-type id (or string pathname))
  (add-datum l (make-instance 'datum :id id :collection c)))

;; FIXME: write the knowability method
Generated 2025-03-07 15:24:22 -0700 by RepoRat