Experimental Common Lisp object storage abstraction for Unix file systems
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;; integration_tests.lisp — Uniformly test every library backend. (in-package :leibowitz/tests) (define-test core) (defmacro define-library-test (name (library &rest tmpfiles) &body body) (let ((path (gensym)) (home (gensym))) `(progn (define-test ,name :time-limit 2 :parent core) (define-test ,(read-from-string (format NIL "sqlite-library-~A" name)) :parent ,name (let* ((,home (ensure-directories-exist (pathname (format NIL "/tmp/leibowitz_core_test_home-tmp~36R/" (random (expt 36 8)))))) (,path (uiop:tmpize-pathname #p"/tmp/leibowitz_core_sqlite_test")) (,library (make-instance 'sqlite-library :db-path ,path :homedir ,home :thumbnail-cache-dir ,home :static-resource-dir ,home)) ,@(loop for var in tmpfiles collect `(,var (uiop:tmpize-pathname (merge-pathnames ,home #P"testfile"))))) (unwind-protect (progn ,@body) (sqlite:disconnect (slot-value ,library 'leibowitz.core::handle)) ,@(loop for var in tmpfiles collect `(ignore-errors (delete-file ,var))) (uiop:delete-directory-tree ,home :validate T) (ignore-errors (delete-file ,path)))))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Backend-specific tests (define-test create-sqlite-library :parent core (let* ((path (uiop:tmpize-pathname #p"/tmp/leibowitz_core_testing_sqlite_db")) (lbry (make-instance 'sqlite-library :db-path path :thumbnail-cache-dir "" :static-resource-dir ""))) (unwind-protect (progn (false (sqlite-rows lbry "select * from tags")) (false (sqlite-rows lbry "select * from data")) (false (sqlite-rows lbry "select * from tag_datum_junctions")) (false (sqlite-rows lbry "select * from tag_predicates"))) (delete-file path)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Lower-level datum and library behavior (define-test datum-is-reinitialized-by-mime-type-major-part-only :parent core (with-tmp-files (path) (with-open-file (s path :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (format s "hi :3~%")) (let ((d (make-instance 'datum :id path))) (of-type datum-text d) (is #'equal "text/plain" (datum-kind d)) (is #'equal (format NIL "hi :3~%") (datum-terms d))))) (define-test datum-is-reinitialized-by-mime-type-full :parent core (with-tmp-files (path) (with-open-file (s path :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (format s "<!DOCTYPE html>~%<html><head></head><body>hi :^3</body></html>")) (let ((d (make-instance 'datum :id path))) (of-type datum-text/html d) (is #'equal "text/html" (datum-kind d)) (is #'equal "hi :^3" (datum-terms d))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Collections API tests (define-test library-get-datum-collection-works-for-homedir :parent core (let ((l (make-instance 'library :thumbnail-cache-dir #P"/tmp/" :static-resource-dir #P"/tmp/"))) (labels ((homedir () (find-if (lambda (elem) (eql (type-of elem) 'collection-homedir)) (library-collections l)))) (is #'eq (homedir) (library-get-datum-collection l (user-homedir-pathname))) (is #'eq (homedir) (library-get-datum-collection l (merge-pathnames (user-homedir-pathname) "sub"))) ;; FIXME: this additional test case was added after manual ;; testing on FreeBSD failed weirdly as a result of the fact ;; that it symlinks /home to /usr/home. We should write a ;; proper test case where homedir's root slot has a symlink. (is #'eq (homedir) (library-get-datum-collection l (merge-pathnames (truename (user-homedir-pathname)) "sub"))) (fail (library-get-datum-collection l "/hopefully/not/your/~") 'no-applicable-collection)))) ;; homedir-specific methods ;; FIXME: here go a bunch of regex tests for gitignore-like ;; knowability ;; FIXME: other stuff with the root set to a subdirectory of /tmp. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Generic API tests (define-library-test data-cannot-be-exotic-file-types (l path) (let ((p1 (mktmp #P"/tmp/" :fifo)) (p2 (mktmp #P"/tmp/" :dir))) (unwind-protect (progn (fail (make-instance 'datum :id p1) 'file-not-regular) (fail (make-instance 'datum :id p2) 'file-not-regular)) (delete-file p1) (uiop:delete-empty-directory p2)))) (define-library-test insert-datum (l path) (let ((d (make-instance 'datum :id path))) (is #'eq d (add-datum l d)))) (define-library-test retrieve-nonexistent-datum (l) (false (get-datum l "some nonexistent id")) (false (get-datum l #P"/this/time/a/pathname"))) (define-library-test retrieve-nonexistent-datum-error (l) (fail (get-datum l "Captain Nemo" :error T) 'datum-not-indexed)) (define-library-test delete-nonexistent-datum (l) (del-datum l "some datum id") (fail (del-datum l "no" :error T) 'datum-not-indexed)) (define-library-test delete-datum-disk-keyword (l path path2) (let ((d (make-instance 'datum :id path))) (add-datum l d) (del-datum l path :disk NIL) (true (probe-file path)) (add-datum l d) (del-datum l path) (false (probe-file path)) (add-datum l (make-instance 'datum :id path2)) (delete-file path2) (fail (del-datum l path2 :error T) 'datum-is-orphaned))) ;; FIXME: what if I modified `define-library-test' to generate test ;; cases for both absolute and relative paths for everything? (define-library-test delete-datum-relative-path (l path1 path2 path3 path4) (let ((rel1 (unix-relative-path-to-test-tmpfile path1)) (rel2 (unix-relative-path-to-test-tmpfile path2)) (rel3 (unix-relative-path-to-test-tmpfile path3)) (rel4 (unix-relative-path-to-test-tmpfile path4))) ;; normal (add-datum l path1) (del-datum l rel1) (false (get-datum l path1)) ;; orphaned (add-datum l path2) (delete-file path2) (fail (del-datum l rel2 :error T) 'datum-is-orphaned) (false (get-datum l path2)) ;; not indexed (fail (del-datum l rel3 :error T) 'datum-not-indexed) ;; doesn't exist (delete-file path4) (fail (del-datum l rel4 :error T) 'datum-not-indexed))) (define-library-test del-datum-with-directory-simply-fails (l path1 path2) (add-datum l path1) (fail (del-datum l (path:basename path1) :error T) 'datum-not-indexed) (fail (del-datum l (path:basename path2) :error T) 'datum-not-indexed)) ;; FIXME: writing some tests for leibowitz.core::%datum-equal would be worthwhile (define-library-test insert-datum-with-path (l path) (let ((d (add-datum l path))) (of-type 'datum d) (true (leibowitz.core::%datum-equal d (get-datum l path))))) (define-library-test insert-and-retrieve-datum (l path) (let ((d (make-instance 'datum :id path :collection (library-get-datum-collection l path)))) (add-datum l d) (is #'leibowitz.core::%datum-equal d (get-datum l (datum-id d))))) (define-library-test insert-and-delete-datum (l path) (let ((d (make-instance 'datum :id path))) (add-datum l d) (del-datum l d) (false (get-datum l (datum-id d))))) (define-library-test insert-and-update-datum (l path) (let ((d (add-datum l (make-instance 'datum :id path)))) (setf (datum-terms d) "hi") (is #'equal "hi" (datum-terms (add-datum l d))))) (define-library-test datum-also-reinitialized-when-reading-from-db (l path) (with-open-file (s path :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (format s "hi :3~%")) (add-datum l (make-instance 'datum :id path)) (let ((d (get-datum l path))) (of-type datum-text d) (is #'equal "text/plain" (datum-kind d)) (is #'equal (format NIL "hi :3~%") (datum-terms d)))) (define-library-test datum-accesses-preserved (l path) (let ((d (add-datum l (make-instance 'datum :id path)))) (is #'= 0 (datum-accesses d)) (incf (datum-accesses d)) (add-datum l d) (is #'= 1 (datum-accesses (get-datum l path))))) (define-library-test get-datum-quantity (l p1 p2 p3) (is #'= 0 (library-data-quantity l)) (add-datum l (make-instance 'datum :id p1)) (add-datum l (make-instance 'datum :id p2)) (add-datum l (make-instance 'datum :id p3)) (is #'= 3 (library-data-quantity l)) (del-datum l p1) (del-datum l p2) (is #'= 1 (library-data-quantity l)) (del-datum l p3) (is #'= 0 (library-data-quantity l))) ;;; High-level indexer method (define-library-test index-single-file (l path) (let ((indexed (index l path))) (true indexed) (is #'leibowitz.core::%datum-equal (car indexed) (get-datum l path)))) (define-library-test index-list-of-files (l p1 p2 p3 p4 p5) (let* ((paths (list p1 p2 p3 p4 p5)) (indexed (index l paths))) (is #'= 5 (length indexed)) (is #'equal (namestring p1) (datum-id (get-datum l p1))) (is #'equal (namestring p2) (datum-id (get-datum l p2))) (is #'equal (namestring p3) (datum-id (get-datum l p3))) (is #'equal (namestring p4) (datum-id (get-datum l p4))) (is #'equal (namestring p5) (datum-id (get-datum l p5))))) (define-library-test index-flat-directory (l p1 p2 p3 p4 p5) (let ((home (collection-homedir-root (find-if (lambda (c) (eql (type-of c) 'collection-homedir)) (library-collections l))))) (index l home) (is #'equal (namestring p1) (datum-id (get-datum l p1))) (is #'equal (namestring p2) (datum-id (get-datum l p2))) (is #'equal (namestring p3) (datum-id (get-datum l p3))) (is #'equal (namestring p4) (datum-id (get-datum l p4))) (is #'equal (namestring p5) (datum-id (get-datum l p5))))) (define-library-test index-directory-tree (l p1) (let ((home (collection-homedir-root (find-if (lambda (c) (eql (type-of c) 'collection-homedir)) (library-collections l))))) (labels ((touchsub (name) (let ((sub (ensure-directories-exist (merge-pathnames home #P"sub/")))) (uiop:tmpize-pathname (merge-pathnames sub name))))) (let ((p2 (touchsub #P"p2")) (p3 (touchsub #P"p3")) (p4 (touchsub #P"p4")) (p5 (touchsub #P"p5"))) (index l home) (is #'equal (namestring p1) (datum-id (get-datum l p1))) (is #'equal (namestring p2) (datum-id (get-datum l p2))) (is #'equal (namestring p3) (datum-id (get-datum l p3))) (is #'equal (namestring p4) (datum-id (get-datum l p4))) (is #'equal (namestring p5) (datum-id (get-datum l p5))))))) ;; FIXME: add tests for all the new functionality described in the ;; `index' fixme! ;;; Tagging (define-library-test add-single-tag-to-datum-then-remove (l path) (let ((d (make-instance 'datum :id path :collection (library-get-datum-collection l path)))) (add-datum l d) (add-datum-tags l d '("tag")) (let ((tag (car (get-datum-tags l d)))) (is #'equal "tag" (tag-name tag)) (is #'= 1 (tag-count tag))) (is #'equal (datum-id d) (datum-id (car (list-data l :tags '("tag"))))) (is #'= 1 (datum-num-tags l d)) (del-datum-tags l d '("tag")) (is #'= 0 (datum-num-tags l d)) (false (get-datum-tags l d)) (false (list-data l :tags '("tag"))) (is #'leibowitz.core::%datum-equal d (get-datum l (datum-id d))))) (define-library-test replace-datum-tags (l path) (let ((d (make-instance 'datum :id path :collection (library-get-datum-collection l path)))) (add-datum l d) (add-datum-tags l d '("tag")) (let ((tags (get-datum-tags l d))) (is #'equal 1 (length tags)) (is #'equal "tag" (tag-name (car tags)))) (add-datum-tags l d '("gat") :replace T) (let ((tags (get-datum-tags l d))) (is #'equal 1 (length tags)) (is #'equal "gat" (tag-name (car tags)))))) (define-library-test library-tag-quantity (l) (is #'= 0 (library-tag-quantity l)) (add-tag l "hey") (is #'= 1 (library-tag-quantity l)) (del-tag l "hey") (is #'= 0 (library-tag-quantity l))) (define-library-test cannot-add-tags-to-nonexistent-datum (l) (fail (add-datum-tags l "no datum with this id" '("asdf")) 'datum-not-indexed)) (define-library-test update-tag-label (l path) (let ((d (make-instance 'datum :id path :collection (library-get-datum-collection l path)))) (add-datum l d) (add-datum-tags l d '("tag")) (add-tag l (make-instance 'tag :name "tag" :label "description")) (is #'equal "description" (tag-label (get-tag l "tag"))) (is #'equal 1 (tag-count (get-tag l "tag"))))) (define-library-test removing-datum-removes-its-tags (l path) (let ((d (make-instance 'datum :id path))) (add-datum l d) (add-datum-tags l d '("some" "tags")) (del-datum l d) (false (get-tag l "some")) (fail (get-tag l "tags" :error T) 'no-such-tag))) (define-library-test decrement-count-when-data-removed-from-tag-with-other-data (l path1 path2) (let ((d1 (make-instance 'datum :id path1)) (d2 (make-instance 'datum :id path2))) (add-datum l d1) (add-datum l d2) (add-datum-tags l d1 '("tag")) (add-datum-tags l d2 '("tag")) (is #'= 2 (length (list-data l :tags '("tag")))) (is #'= 2 (tag-count (get-tag l "tag"))) (del-datum l d1) (is #'= 1 (length (list-data l :tags '("tag")))) (is #'= 1 (tag-count (get-tag l "tag"))))) (define-library-test removing-tag-removes-all-its-associations (l path1 path2) (let ((d1 (make-instance 'datum :id path1)) (d2 (make-instance 'datum :id path2))) (add-datum l d1) (add-datum l d2) (add-datum-tags l d1 '("tag")) (add-datum-tags l d2 '("tag")) (del-tag l "tag") (false (list-data l :tags '("tag"))) (false (get-datum-tags l d1)) (false (get-datum-tags l d2)))) (define-library-test create-empty-tag-with-label-and-not-orphaned-when-del-datum (l path) (let ((tag (make-instance 'tag :name "tag" :label "hi"))) (add-tag l tag) (is #'= 0 (tag-count (get-tag l "tag"))) (let ((d (add-datum l (make-instance 'datum :id path)))) (add-datum-tags l d '("tag")) (is #'= 1 (tag-count (get-tag l "tag"))) (del-datum l d) (is #'= 0 (tag-count (get-tag l "tag")))))) (define-library-test duplicate-tag-junctions-are-impossible (l path) (let ((d (add-datum l (make-instance 'datum :id path)))) (add-datum-tags l d '("tag")) (add-datum-tags l d '("tag")) (is #'= 1 (length (get-datum-tags l d))))) (define-library-test move-tag-simple-case (l p1 p2) (index l p1) (index l p2) (add-datum-tags l p1 '("some tag")) (add-datum-tags l p2 '("some tag")) (add-tag-predicate l "some tag" "also add" :retroactive T) (move-tag l "some tag" "new") (false (get-tag l "some tag")) (false (list-data l :tags '("some tag"))) (false (get-tag-predicates l "some tag")) (true (get-tag l "new")) (is #'= 2 (length (list-data l :tags '("new")))) (is #'= 2 (length (get-datum-tags l p1))) (is #'= 2 (length (get-datum-tags l p2))) (is #'equal "also add" (tag-name (car (get-tag-predicates l "new"))))) (define-library-test move-tag-no-old-tag (l) (fail (move-tag l "no" "where") 'no-such-tag)) (define-library-test move-tag-theyre-the-same (l) (fail (move-tag l "here" "here") 'cannot-mv-or-cp-to-itself)) (define-library-test move-tag-cannot-merge-and-overwrite (l) (fail (move-tag l "here" "there" :merge T :overwrite T))) (define-library-test move-tag-new-exists-default (l p) (add-datum-tags l (car (index l p)) '("src" "dst")) (fail (move-tag l "src" "dst") 'tag-already-exists)) ;; FIXME: We need a policy for handling predicand tags too! (define-library-test move-tag-new-exists-overwrite (l p1 p2) (add-datum-tags l (car (index l p1)) '("src" "dst")) (add-datum-tags l (car (index l p2)) '("src")) (add-tag-predicate l "dst" "destination" :retroactive T) (add-tag-predicate l "src" "source" :retroactive T) (move-tag l "src" "dst" :overwrite T) (false (get-tag l "src")) (true (get-tag l "dst")) (true (get-tag l "source")) (true (get-tag l "destination")) (is #'= 3 (length (list-tags l))) (is #'= 3 (length (get-datum-tags l p1))) (is #'= 2 (length (get-datum-tags l p2))) (is #'= 1 (length (get-tag-predicates l "dst"))) (is #'equal "source" (tag-name (car (get-tag-predicates l "dst"))))) ;; FIXME: We need a policy for handling predicand tags too! (define-library-test move-tag-new-exists-merge (l p1 p2) (add-datum-tags l (car (index l p1)) '("src" "dst")) (add-datum-tags l (car (index l p2)) '("src")) (add-tag-predicate l "dst" "destination" :retroactive T) (add-tag-predicate l "src" "source" :retroactive T) (move-tag l "src" "dst" :merge T) (false (get-tag l "src")) (true (get-tag l "dst")) (true (get-tag l "source")) (true (get-tag l "destination")) (is #'= 3 (length (list-tags l))) (is #'= 3 (length (get-datum-tags l p1))) (is #'= 3 (length (get-datum-tags l p2))) (is #'= 2 (length (get-tag-predicates l "dst")))) (define-library-test copy-tag-simple-case (l p1 p2) (index l p1) (index l p2) (let ((tag (make-instance 'tag :name "tag" :label "about me"))) (add-datum-tags l p1 (list tag)) (add-datum-tags l p2 (list tag))) (add-tag-predicate l "tag" "me too" :retroactive T) (copy-tag l "tag" "new") (true (get-tag l "tag")) (true (get-tag l "new")) ;; FIXME: There's a bug in add-datum-tags that causes labels to be ;; discarded! ;; (is #'equal "about me" (tag-label (get-tag l "tag"))) ;; (is #'equal "about me" (tag-label (get-tag l "new"))) (is #'equal "me too" (tag-name (car (get-tag-predicates l "tag")))) (is #'equal "me too" (tag-name (car (get-tag-predicates l "new")))) (is #'= 2 (length (get-tag-predicands l "me too"))) (is #'= 1 (length (get-tag-predicates l "tag"))) (is #'= 1 (length (get-tag-predicates l "new"))) (is #'= 2 (length (list-data l :tags '("new")))) (is #'= 2 (length (list-data l :tags '("tag")))) (is #'= 2 (length (list-data l :tags '("me too")))) (is #'= 3 (length (get-datum-tags l p1))) (is #'= 3 (length (get-datum-tags l p2)))) (define-library-test copy-tag-no-old-tag (l) (fail (copy-tag l "no" "where") 'no-such-tag)) (define-library-test copy-tag-theyre-the-same (l) (fail (copy-tag l "here" "here") 'cannot-mv-or-cp-to-itself)) (define-library-test copy-tag-cannot-merge-and-overwrite (l) (fail (copy-tag l "here" "there" :merge T :overwrite T))) (define-library-test copy-tag-new-exists-default (l p) (add-datum-tags l (car (index l p)) '("src" "dst")) (fail (copy-tag l "src" "dst") 'tag-already-exists)) ;; FIXME: We need a policy for handling predicand tags too! (define-library-test copy-tag-new-exists-overwrite (l p1 p2) (index l p1) (index l p2) (let ((src (make-instance 'tag :name "src" :label "there'll be two of me :3")) (dst (make-instance 'tag :name "dst" :label "original dst label"))) (add-datum-tags l p1 (list src)) (add-datum-tags l p2 (list src dst))) (add-tag-predicate l "src" "source" :retroactive T) (add-tag-predicate l "dst" "destination" :retroactive T) (copy-tag l "src" "dst" :overwrite T) (true (get-tag l "src")) (true (get-tag l "dst")) ;; FIXME: I believe these are being discarded by the same bug ;; (is #'equal "there'll be two of me :3" (tag-label (get-tag l "src"))) ;; (is #'equal "there'll be two of me :3" (tag-label (get-tag l "dst"))) (is #'= 1 (length (get-tag-predicates l "dst"))) (is #'= 1 (length (get-tag-predicates l "src"))) (is #'= 2 (length (get-tag-predicands l "source"))) (is #'= 0 (length (get-tag-predicands l "destination"))) (is #'= 3 (length (get-datum-tags l p1))) (is #'= 4 (length (get-datum-tags l p2)))) ;; ;; FIXME: We need a policy for handling predicand tags too! (define-library-test copy-tag-new-exists-merge (l p1 p2) (index l p1) (index l p2) (let ((src (make-instance 'tag :name "src" :label "there'll be two of me :3")) (dst (make-instance 'tag :name "dst" :label "original dst label"))) (add-datum-tags l p1 (list src)) (add-datum-tags l p2 (list dst))) (add-tag-predicate l "src" "source" :retroactive T) (add-tag-predicate l "dst" "destination" :retroactive T) (copy-tag l "src" "dst" :merge T) (true (get-tag l "src")) (true (get-tag l "dst")) ;; FIXME: I believe these are being discarded by the aforementioned bug ;; (is #'equal "there'll be two of me :3" (tag-label (get-tag l "src"))) ;; (is #'equal "there'll be two of me :3" (tag-label (get-tag l "dst"))) (is #'= 2 (length (get-tag-predicates l "dst"))) (is #'= 1 (length (get-tag-predicates l "src"))) (is #'= 2 (length (get-tag-predicands l "source"))) (is #'= 1 (length (get-tag-predicands l "destination"))) (is #'= 4 (length (get-datum-tags l p1))) (is #'= 3 (length (get-datum-tags l p2)))) ;;; Tag Predicates (define-library-test add-predicate-to-a-tag (l) (let ((t1 (make-instance 'tag :name "History")) (t2 (make-instance 'tag :name "Sassanian Empire"))) (add-tag l t1) (add-tag l t2) (false (get-tag-predicates l "History")) (false (get-tag-predicands l "Sassanian Empire")) (add-tag-predicate l t1 t2) (let ((predicates (get-tag-predicates l "History"))) (is #'= 1 (length predicates)) (is #'equal "Sassanian Empire" (tag-name (car predicates)))) (let ((predicands (get-tag-predicands l "Sassanian Empire"))) (is #'= 1 (length predicands)) (is #'equal "History" (tag-name (car predicands)))))) (define-library-test add-predicate-to-a-tag-and-add-it-to-data-retroactively (l p) (let ((d (add-datum l (make-instance 'datum :id p)))) (add-datum-tags l d '("Ganymede")) (add-tag-predicate l "Ganymede" "Galilean Moons" :retroactive NIL) (let ((tags (get-datum-tags l d))) (is #'= 1 (length tags))) (add-tag-predicate l "Ganymede" "Galilean Moons") (let ((tags (get-datum-tags l d))) (is #'= 2 (length tags))))) (define-library-test replace-tag-predicates (l p) (let ((d (add-datum l (make-instance 'datum :id p)))) (add-datum-tags l d '("Ganymede")) (add-tag-predicate l "Ganymede" '("Galilean Moons" "Jovian System" "oops")) (let ((tags (get-datum-tags l d))) (is #'= 4 (length tags))) (let ((subtags (get-tag-predicates l "Ganymede"))) (is #'= 3 (length subtags))) (add-tag-predicate l "Ganymede" '("Galilean Moons" "Jovian System") :replace T) ;; FIXME: here we see that the :replace behavior doesn't work ;; retroactively, we'll need to give del-tag-predicate an option ;; for that too and test that behavior here (let ((tags (get-datum-tags l d))) (is #'= 4 (length tags))) (let ((subtags (get-tag-predicates l "Ganymede"))) (format T " SUBTAGS: (2) ~S~%" subtags) (is #'= 2 (length subtags))))) (define-library-test add-tag-predicate-implicitly-creates-nonexistent-tags (l) (add-tag-predicate l "Zoroastrianism" "People of The Book") (is #'equal "People of The Book" (tag-name (car (get-tag-predicates l "Zoroastrianism")))) (is #'equal "Zoroastrianism" (tag-name (car (get-tag-predicands l "People of The Book"))))) (define-library-test add-tag-predicate-should-not-create-duplicate-tags (l) (add-tag-predicate l "a" "b") (add-tag-predicate l "a" "b") (is #'= 1 (length (get-tag-predicates l "a"))) (is #'= 1 (length (get-tag-predicands l "b")))) (define-library-test add-and-remove-tag-predicate (l) (add-tag-predicate l "Marguerite Porete" "Christian Mystics") (add-tag-predicate l "Meister Eckhart" "Christian Mystics") (is #'= 2 (length (get-tag-predicands l "Christian Mystics"))) (del-tag-predicate l "Meister Eckhart" "Christian Mystics") (true (get-tag l "Meister Eckhart")) (is #'= 1 (length (get-tag-predicands l "Christian Mystics"))) (false (get-tag-predicates l "Meister Eckhart"))) (define-library-test add-datum-tags-cascades-down-predicate-tree (l path) (let ((d (make-instance 'datum :id path))) (add-datum l d) (add-tag-predicate l "Ibn Rushd" "Islamic Rationalist Philosophers") (add-datum-tags l d '("Ibn Rushd")) (is #'equal '("Ibn Rushd" "Islamic Rationalist Philosophers") (sort (loop for tag in (get-datum-tags l d) collect (tag-name tag)) #'string<)))) (define-library-test del-datum-tags-doesnt-cascade-down-predicate-tree-by-default (l path) (let ((d (make-instance 'datum :id path))) (add-datum l d) (add-tag-predicate l "Ibn Rushd" "Islamic Rationalist Philosophers") (add-datum-tags l d '("Ibn Rushd")) (del-datum-tags l d '("Ibn Rushd")) (is #'= 1 (length (get-datum-tags l d))))) (define-library-test del-datum-tags-may-cascade-down-predicate-tree (l path) (let ((d (make-instance 'datum :id path))) (add-datum l d) (add-tag-predicate l "Ibn Rushd" "Islamic Rationalist Philosophers") (add-datum-tags l d '("Ibn Rushd")) (del-datum-tags l d '("Ibn Rushd") :cascade T) (false (get-datum-tags l d)))) (define-library-test cycles-in-tag-hierarchy-are-detected (l path) ;; This will timeout if it fails (let ((d (add-datum l (make-instance 'datum :id path)))) (add-tag-predicate l "first" "second") (add-tag-predicate l "second" "third") (add-tag-predicate l "third" "first") (add-datum-tags l d '("first")))) (define-library-test del-tag-removes-predicate-associations (l) (add-tag-predicate l "science fiction" "fiction") (add-tag-predicate l "fiction" "entertainment") (del-tag l "fiction") (false (get-tag-predicates l "science fiction")) (false (get-tag-predicands l "entertainment"))) (define-library-test tag-num-parents-gets-predicands-num-children-gets-predicates (l) (is #'= 0 (tag-num-parents l "no such tag")) (is #'= 0 (tag-num-children l "no such tag")) (add-tag-predicate l "Christian Taoism" "Christianity") (add-tag-predicate l "Christian Taoism" "Taoism") (add-tag-predicate l "Christianity" "Religion") (add-tag-predicate l "Taoism" "Religion") (add-tag-predicate l "Taoism" "Philosophy") (is #'= 2 (tag-num-parents l "Christian Taoism")) (is #'= 1 (tag-num-parents l "Christianity")) (is #'= 2 (tag-num-parents l "Taoism")) (is #'= 0 (tag-num-parents l "Religion")) (is #'= 0 (tag-num-parents l "Philosophy")) (is #'= 1 (tag-num-children l "Philosophy")) (is #'= 2 (tag-num-children l "Religion")) (is #'= 1 (tag-num-children l "Taoism")) (is #'= 1 (tag-num-children l "Christianity"))) ;;; Searching and Listing (define-library-test search-for-string (l path) (let ((d (add-datum l (make-instance 'datum :id path)))) ;; This will fial if the file isn't in /tmp (is #'equal (datum-id d) (datum-id (car (query l "tmp")))))) (define-library-test query-can-paginate-with-offset-limit (l p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6) (loop for p in (list p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6) do (add-datum l (make-instance 'datum :id p))) (is #'= 6 (length (query l "tmp"))) (is #'= 3 (length (query l "tmp" :offset 0 :limit 3))) (is #'= 1 (length (query l "tmp" :offset 5 :limit 1))) (is #'= 0 (length (query l "tmp" :offset 0 :limit 0))) (fail (query l "tmp" :limit 2)) (fail (query l "tmp" :offset 9))) (define-library-test query-test-sort-and-direction (l p1 p2) (with-open-file (s p1 :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) ;; This might vary by library backend, but I think it makes sense ;; that most or all FTS engines would rank "hi hi" higher than ;; "hi" for a search of "hi", since it matches more often. (format s "hi hi >:3~%")) (index l p1) (sleep 1) ;; timestamps have a granularity of 1 second smdh (with-open-file (s p2 :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (format s "hi :3~%")) (index l p2) ;; best match first (destructuring-bind (d1 d2) (query l "hi") (is #'equal (namestring p1) (datum-id d1)) ; fail (is #'equal (namestring p2) (datum-id d2))) ; fail ;; worst match first (destructuring-bind (d1 d2) (query l "hi" :direction :descending) (is #'equal (namestring p2) (datum-id d1)) ; fail (is #'equal (namestring p1) (datum-id d2))) ; fail ;; most recently modified first (destructuring-bind (d1 d2) (query l "hi" :sort-by :modified :direction :descending) (true (>= (datum-modified d1) (datum-modified d2)))) ;; least recently modified first (destructuring-bind (d1 d2) (query l "hi" :sort-by :modified) (true (<= (datum-modified d1) (datum-modified d2)))) ;; most recently created first (destructuring-bind (d1 d2) (query l "hi" :sort-by :birth :direction :descending) (true (>= (datum-birth d1) (datum-birth d2)))) ;; least recently created first (destructuring-bind (d1 d2) (query l "hi" :sort-by :birth) (true (<= (datum-birth d1) (datum-birth d2))))) (define-library-test list-data-test-sort-and-direction (l p1 p2) (add-datum l (make-instance 'datum :id p1)) (sleep 1) ;; timestamps have a granularity of 1 second smh (with-open-file (s p2 :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (format s "hi :3~%")) (add-datum l (make-instance 'datum :id p2)) ;; most recently modified first (destructuring-bind (d1 d2) (list-data l :sort-by :modified :direction :descending) (true (>= (datum-modified d1) (datum-modified d2)))) ;; least recently modified first (destructuring-bind (d1 d2) (list-data l :sort-by :modified :direction :ascending) (true (<= (datum-modified d1) (datum-modified d2)))) ;; most recently created first (destructuring-bind (d1 d2) (list-data l :sort-by :birth :direction :descending) (true (>= (datum-birth d1) (datum-birth d2)))) ;; least recently created first (destructuring-bind (d1 d2) (list-data l :sort-by :birth :direction :ascending) (true (<= (datum-birth d1) (datum-birth d2))))) (define-library-test list-data-can-paginate-with-offset-limit (l p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6) (loop for p in (list p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6) do (add-datum l (make-instance 'datum :id p))) (is #'= 6 (length (list-data l))) (is #'= 3 (length (list-data l :offset 0 :limit 3))) (is #'= 1 (length (list-data l :offset 5 :limit 1))) (is #'= 0 (length (list-data l :offset 0 :limit 0))) (fail (list-data l :limit 2)) (fail (list-data l :offset 9)) (is #'equal (datum-id (get-datum l p1)) (datum-id (car (list-data l :offset 0 :limit 1)))) (is #'equal (datum-id (get-datum l p6)) (datum-id (car (list-data l :offset 5 :limit 1))))) (define-library-test list-data-in-union-of-tags-test-sort-and-direction (l p0 p1 p2) (index l (list p0 p1)) (sleep 1) ;; timestamps have a granularity of 1 second smh (with-open-file (s p2 :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (format s "hi :3~%")) (index l p2) (add-datum-tags l p0 '("alone1")) (add-datum-tags l p1 '("tag")) (add-datum-tags l p2 '("tag" "alone2")) ;; most recently modified first (let ((data (list-data l :tags '("tag") :sort-by :modified :direction :descending))) (is #'= 2 (length data)) (destructuring-bind (d1 d2) data (true (>= (datum-modified d1) (datum-modified d2))))) ;; least recently modified first (let ((data (list-data l :tags '("tag") :sort-by :modified :direction :ascending))) (is #'= 2 (length data)) (destructuring-bind (d1 d2) data (true (<= (datum-modified d1) (datum-modified d2))))) ;; most recently created first (let ((data (list-data l :tags '("tag") :sort-by :birth :direction :descending))) (is #'= 2 (length data)) (destructuring-bind (d1 d2) data (true (>= (datum-birth d1) (datum-birth d2))))) ;; least recently created first; select from disjoint union (let ((data (list-data l :tags '("alone1" "alone2") :sort-by :birth :direction :ascending))) (is #'= 2 (length data)) (destructuring-bind (d1 d2) data (true (<= (datum-birth d1) (datum-birth d2)))))) (define-library-test list-data-by-type (l p1 p2) (with-open-file (s p1 :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (format s "hi :3~%")) (with-open-file (s p2 :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (format s "<!DOCTYPE html>~%")) (index l (list p1 p2)) (let ((res (list-data l :type "text/plain"))) (is #'= 1 (length res)) (is #'equal (namestring p1) (datum-id (car res)))) (let ((res (list-data l :type "text/plain"))) (is #'= 1 (length res)) (is #'equal (namestring p1) (datum-id (car res))))) (define-library-test list-data-by-type-and-tag (l p1 p2) (with-open-file (s p1 :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (format s "hi :3~%")) (index l (list p1 p2)) (add-datum-tags l p2 '("tag")) (is #'= 0 (length (list-data l :type "text/plain" :tags '("tag")))) (add-datum-tags l p1 '("tag")) (is #'= 1 (length (list-data l :type "text/plain" :tags '("tag"))))) (define-library-test list-files-in-dir (l p1 p2) (with-open-file (s p1 :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (format s "hi :3~%")) (index l (list p1 p2)) (add-datum-tags l p2 '("tag")) (let ((dir (directory-namestring p1))) (is #'= 2 (length (list-data l :dir dir))) (is #'= 1 (length (list-data l :dir dir :tags '("tag")))) (is #'= 1 (length (list-data l :dir dir :type "text/plain"))) (is #'= 0 (length (list-data l :dir dir :type "text/plain" :tags '("tag")))))) (define-library-test list-tags (l p1 p2) (add-datum-tags l (car (index l p1)) '("tag one" "tag two")) (add-datum-tags l (car (index l p2)) '("tag two" "tag three")) (is #'= 3 (length (list-tags l))) (let ((top (list-tags l :limit 1))) (is #'= 1 (length top)) (is #'equal "tag two" (tag-name (car top))))) ;;; Working with files on disk ;; FIXME: verify that search terms changed! (define-library-test move-datum-where-old-exists-new-doesnt (l oldp newp) (add-datum l (make-instance 'datum :id oldp)) (delete-file newp) (add-datum-tags l oldp '("deez nuts")) (move-datum l oldp newp) (false (get-datum l oldp)) (false (get-datum-tags l oldp)) (is #'equal (namestring newp) (datum-id (get-datum l newp))) (is #'equal "deez nuts" (tag-name (car (get-datum-tags l newp))))) (define-library-test move-datum-where-new-exists-on-disk-not-db (l oldp newp) (add-datum l (make-instance 'datum :id oldp)) (delete-file oldp) (add-datum-tags l oldp '("таг")) (fail (move-datum l oldp newp) 'datum-already-exists) (is #'equal (namestring newp) (move-datum l oldp newp :overwrite T)) (false (get-datum l oldp)) (is #'equal "таг" (tag-name (car (get-datum-tags l newp))))) (define-library-test move-datum-where-both-exist (l oldp newp) (add-datum l (make-instance 'datum :id oldp)) (fail (move-datum l oldp newp)) (true (probe-file oldp)) (true (probe-file newp)) (add-datum l (make-instance 'datum :id newp)) (delete-file newp) (fail (move-datum l oldp newp) 'datum-already-exists) (true (probe-file oldp)) (is #'equal (namestring newp) (move-datum l oldp newp :overwrite T)) (false (probe-file oldp)) (true (probe-file newp)) (false (get-datum l oldp)) (true (get-datum l newp))) (define-library-test move-datum-where-old-not-indexed (l) (fail (move-datum l "no such datum" "also no such datum") 'datum-not-indexed)) (define-library-test move-datum-where-theyre-the-same (l p) (fail (move-datum l p p) 'cannot-mv-or-cp-to-itself) (true (probe-file p))) (define-library-test move-datum-old-is-orphaned-and-not-renamed-on-disk (l p) (add-datum l (make-instance 'datum :id p)) (delete-file p) (fail (move-datum l p "no such datum") 'datum-is-orphaned)) (define-library-test copy-datum-where-old-exists-new-doesnt (l oldpath) (let ((d0 (car (index l oldpath))) (newpath (format NIL "~A_copy" oldpath))) (add-datum-tags l d0 '("To the town of Agua Fria rode a stranger one fine day")) (let ((d1 (copy-datum l oldpath newpath))) (false (leibowitz.core::%datum-equal d0 d1)) (is #'equal newpath (datum-id d1)) (is #'equal "To the town of Agua Fria rode a stranger one fine day" (tag-name (car (get-datum-tags l (datum-id d1)))))))) (define-library-test copy-datum-where-both-exist (l oldp newp) (index l oldp) ;; new on disk, not in db (fail (copy-datum l oldp newp) 'datum-already-exists) (false (get-datum l newp)) ;; new in db, not on disk (index l newp) (delete-file newp) (fail (copy-datum l oldp newp) 'datum-already-exists) (false (probe-file newp)) ;; new on both, no overwrite (let ((newp (format NIL "~A_copy" newp))) (uiop:copy-file oldp newp) (index l newp) (fail (copy-datum l oldp newp) 'datum-already-exists) (true (get-datum l newp)) ;; now on both, overwrite (is #'equal (namestring newp) (datum-id (copy-datum l oldp newp :overwrite T))))) (define-library-test copy-datum-where-old-not-indexed (l oldp) (fail (copy-datum l oldp (format NIL "~A_copy" oldp)) 'datum-not-indexed)) (define-library-test copy-datum-where-theyre-the-same (l p) (fail (copy-datum l p p) 'cannot-mv-or-cp-to-itself)) (define-library-test copy-datum-where-old-is-orphaned (l p) (index l p) (delete-file p) (fail (copy-datum l p (format NIL "~A_copy" p)) 'datum-is-orphaned))