Experimental Common Lisp object storage abstraction for Unix file systems
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;;; Page generators (in-package :leibowitz.web) (defun html-snippet (snippet) (eval `(cl-who:with-html-output-to-string (*standard-output* nil :prologue NIL :indent t) ,@snippet))) (defun make-page (lib &key here sidebar title body limit offset total header more-params) (eval `(cl-who:with-html-output-to-string (*standard-output* nil :prologue t :indent t) (:html :xmlns "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" :xml\:lang "en" :lang "en" (:head (:title ,title) (:meta :http-equiv "Content-Type" :content "text/html;charset=utf-8") (:meta :name "viewport" :content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0") (:link :rel "stylesheet" :href "/static/style.css" :media "screen")) (:body (:div :id "header-and-navbar-container" (:header :id "header" ,@(if header header `((:h1 ,title)))) (:nav :id "navbar" :class "ui" ;; Apply the "here" class to whichever link ;; corresponds to the current page, if any ,@(loop for link in '((:a :href "/" "All") (:a :href "/tags" "Tags") (:a :href "/tree" "Tree") (:a :href "/search" "Search") (:a :href "/new" "New")) do (when (equal (nth 2 link) here) (setf link (append (subseq link 0 3) '(:class "here") (last link)))) collect link))) (:div :id "sidebar-and-content-container" (:aside :id "sidebar" :class "ui" ,@sidebar) (:main :id "content" ,@body)) ,(when (and limit offset) `(:nav :id "pagination" :class "ui" ,@(loop with pages = (ceiling (/ total limit)) for p from 1 to pages for pth-link-offset = (* limit (- p 1)) collect `(:a :class ,(if (= offset pth-link-offset) "page-link here" "page-link") :href ,(let ((url (format NIL "~A?limit=~A&offset=~A" here (url limit) (url pth-link-offset)))) (if more-params (format NIL "~A&~A" url more-params) url)) ,(format NIL "~A" p))))) (:footer :id "footer" (:hr) (:a :href "https://sr.ht/~thalia/leibowitz" "Project Home") "//" (:a :href "mailto:~thalia/leibowitz@lists.sr.ht" "Report a Bug"))) (:script :src "/static/fluff.js"))))) (defun return-404 (lib &optional msg) (setf (hunchentoot:return-code*) 404) (make-page lib :here "" :title "404 Not Found | Leibowitz Web" :body `((:section (:p ,(html msg)))))) (defun return-400 (lib &optional msg) (setf (hunchentoot:return-code*) 400) (make-page lib :here "" :title "400 Bad Request | Leibowitz Web" :body `((:section (:p ,(html msg)))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defun make-datum-listing-sidebar (lib) `((:section (:h2 "Search") (:form :method "get" :action "/search" :class "sidebar-form" (:input :name "q") (:button "Go!"))) (:section (:h2 "Top Tags") (:ul ,@(loop for tag in (list-tags lib :limit 15) collect `(:li (:a :href ,(format NIL "/tag?name=~A" (html (url (tag-name tag)))) ,(html (tag-name tag))) (:span :class "tag-count" ,(format nil "(~a)" (tag-count tag)))))) (:a :href "/tags" (:b ,(format NIL "Show all ~A tags" (library-tag-quantity lib))))) (:section (:h2 "File Types") (:ul ,@(loop for type in (library-all-file-types lib) collect `(:li (:a :href ,(format NIL "/type/~A" (car type)) ,(car type)) (:small ,(format NIL "(~A)" (cdr type))))))))) (defun list-data-as-html (lib view &rest options &key &allow-other-keys) "Beautify the output of `leibowitz.core:list-data' as a HTML datum listing. Key arguments are passed unmodified to that method." (check-type lib library) (let ((data (loop for datum in (apply #'list-data (nconc (list lib) options)) collect (datum-html-preview lib datum :view view)))) `(,@(make-datum-listing-filter-bar view (getf options :sort-by) (getf options :direction) (getf options :dir)) ,(cond ((eql view :tile) `(:section :id "tiles" ,@data)) ((eql view :card) `(:section :id "cards" ,@data)))))) (defun list-search-results-as-html (lib terms limit offset sort-by direction view) (check-type lib library) (check-type terms string) `(,(make-search-page-search-box lib terms) ,@(make-datum-listing-filter-bar view sort-by direction) (:small "FIXME: query should support the same kinds of filters as list-data!") (:section :id "tiles" ,@(loop for datum in (query lib terms :limit limit :offset offset) collect (datum-html-preview lib datum))))) (defun make-search-page-search-box (lib &optional terms) (check-type lib library) `(:section (:form :method "get" :action "/search" (:fieldset (:legend "Advanced Search") (:div :class "form-row" (:input :name "q" :type "text" :value ,(when terms terms))) (:div :class "form-row" (:small "FIXME: add tag, collection, and kind filters here; improve style!")) (:input :class "form-row" :type "submit" :value "Go!"))))) (defun list-tags-as-html (lib) (check-type lib library) `((:section :id "tiles" ,@(loop for tag in (list-tags lib) collect `(:div :class "tile" (:div :style "padding-bottom: 10px; font-size: large" (:a :href ,(format NIL "/tag?name=~A" (url (tag-name tag))) ,(tag-name tag))) (:div ;; This'll be fun to localize lol (:span :style "white-space: nowrap" ,(format NIL "~A File~:P;" (tag-count tag))) (:span :style "white-space: nowrap" ,(format NIL " ~A Parent~:P;" (tag-num-parents lib tag))) (:span :style "white-space: nowrap" ,(format NIL " ~A Child~0@*~[ren~;~:;ren~]" (tag-num-children lib tag)))) ,@(let ((desc (tag-label tag))) (when desc `((:hr) ,(html desc))))))))) (defun make-tree-breadcrumbs (title absolute-path) `((:h1 ,title) (:nav (:ul :class "path-breadcrumbs" ,@(loop with path-so-far = "/" for part in (pathname-directory absolute-path) when (stringp part) do (setf path-so-far (concatenate 'string path-so-far part "/")) when (stringp part) collect `(:li (:a :href ,(format NIL "/tree?dir=~A" (url path-so-far)) ,part))))))) (defun make-tree-sidebar (dir) `((:section ;; FIXME: This allows index files outside of their ;; $LEIBOWITZ_ROOT or $HOME, which currently causes a ;; no-applicable-collection error and if allowed in practice will ;; almost certainly be a security issue. Really, this problem ;; stems from the fact that we're storing absolute paths. When ;; using $LEIBOWITZ_ROOT, the library should be fully portable ;; with respect to the location of that directory on the ;; filesystem. ,(index-files-form dir "Index files under this directory")) (:section (:h2 "Subdirectories") (:ul ,@(loop for sd in (reverse (uiop:subdirectories dir)) for name = (car (last (pathname-directory sd))) collect `(:li (:a :href ,(format NIL "/tree?dir=~A" (url (namestring sd))) ,(html name)))))))) (defun make-tree-unindexed-section (lib dir) `((:section (:h2 "Unindexed files") (:div :id "tiles" ,@(loop for f in (uiop:directory-files dir) unless (get-datum lib f) collect `(:div :class "tile" (:form :method "post" :action "/index" (:button :name "path" :value ,(html (url f)) "Index file") (:label ,(html (pathname-name (uiop:parse-unix-namestring f))))))))))) (defun make-datum-view-page (lib datum) (incf (datum-accesses datum)) (add-datum lib datum) (let ((action (format NIL "/datum?id=~A" (html (url (datum-id datum)))))) (nconc (datum-html-report lib datum) (list `(:section (:h2 "Edit Metadata") (:div :id "editor-widgets-container" (:div :id "editor-widget-left" (:fieldset (:legend "Edit Tags") (:form :method "post" (:textarea :id "tag-editor-textarea" :name "tags" :placeholder "No tags yet, enter each on a new line" ,(with-output-to-string (s) (loop for tag in (get-datum-tags lib datum) do (format s "~A~%" (tag-name tag))))) (:button :id "tag-editor-submit" "Save Tags")))) (:div :id "editor-widget-right" (:fieldset (:legend "Move or Rename") (:form :method "post" :action ,action (:input :type "text" :name "move-to" :value ,(html (datum-id datum))) (:button "Move"))) (:fieldset (:legend "Copy") (:form :method "post" :action ,action (:input :type "text" :name "copy-to" :value ,(html (datum-id datum))) (:button "Copy"))) (:fieldset (:legend "Delete") (:form :method "post" :action ,action (:button :name "delete" :value "yes" ,(format NIL "Permanently Delete ~A" (html (datum-title datum))))))))) `(:section (:details (:summary (:b "Class Description")) (:pre :style "overflow: scroll" ,(html (with-output-to-string (s) ;; Tell the pretty-printer not to elide it (let ((*print-right-margin* 500)) (describe datum s))))))))))) (defun make-tag-view-sidebar (lib tag) (check-type tag tag) (check-type lib library) `((:section (:h2 "About") (:ul (:li (:span :class "sidebar-metadata-key" "Count") (:span :class "sidebar-metadata-var" ,(format NIL "~A" (tag-count tag)))) (:li (:span :class "sidebar-metadata-key" "Label") (:span :class "sidebar-metadata-var" ,(html (tag-label tag)))))) (:section (:h2 "Automatically Adds") (:ul ,@(loop for tag in (get-tag-predicates lib tag) collect `(:li (:a :href ,(format NIL "/tag?name=~A" (url (tag-name tag))) ,(tag-name tag)) (:span :class "tag-count" ,(format nil "(~a)" (tag-count tag))))))) (:section (:h2 "Automatically Added By") (:ul ,@(loop for tag in (get-tag-predicands lib tag) collect `(:li (:a :href ,(format NIL "/tag?name=~A" (url (tag-name tag))) ,(tag-name tag)) (:span :class "tag-count" ,(format nil "(~a)" (tag-count tag))))))) (:section (:h2 "Related tags") (:p "I'll need to figure out something clever here :p")))) (defun make-tag-view-page (lib tag view &rest options &key &allow-other-keys) (check-type lib library) (check-type tag tag) `(,@(let ((data (loop for datum in (apply #'list-data (nconc (list lib) options)) collect (datum-html-preview lib datum :view view)))) `(,@(make-datum-listing-filter-bar view (getf options :sort-by) (getf options :direction)) ,(cond ((eql view :tile) `(:section :id "tiles" ,@data)) ((eql view :card) `(:section :id "cards" ,@data))))) (:section (:h2 "Edit Tag") (:div :id "editor-widgets-container" (:div :id "editor-widget-left" (:fieldset (:legend "Also Apply These Tags") (:form :method "post" (:textarea :id "tag-editor-textarea" :name "tags" :placeholder "None yet, enter each on a new line" ,(with-output-to-string (s) (loop for tag in (get-tag-predicates lib tag) do (format s "~A~%" (tag-name tag))))) (:button :id "tag-editor-submit" "Save Parent Tags")))) (:div :id "editor-widget-right" (:fieldset (:legend "Edit Tag Description") (:form :method "post" (:textarea :id "description-editor-textarea" :name "description" :placeholder "Something about this tag" ,(html (tag-label tag))) (:button :id "description-editor-submit" "Save Description"))) (:fieldset (:legend "Rename Tag") (:form :method "post" (:input :type "text" :name "move-to" :value ,(html (tag-name tag))) (:button "Rename"))) (:fieldset (:legend "Copy Tag") (:form :method "post" (:input :type "text" :name "copy-to" :value ,(html (tag-name tag))) (:button "Copy"))) (:fieldset (:legend "Delete Tag") (:form :method "post" ;; FIXME: In order to ensure atomicity, ;; del-tag (or some specific recursive ;; deletion method) must support this. ;; (:div :class "form-row" ;; (:input :type "checkbox" ;; :name "delete-children" ;; :id "delete-children") ;; (:label :for "delete-children" ;; "Also delete child tags.")) ;; (:div :class "form-row" ;; (:input :type "checkbox" ;; :name "delete-data" ;; :id "delete-data") ;; (:label :for "delete-data" ;; "Also delete this tag's ;; data.")) (:button :name "delete" :value "yes" ,(format NIL "Permanently Delete ~S" (html (tag-name tag))))))))))) ;; FIXME: add support for filtering by tags too! And once query has ;; been merged into list-tags, unify listing and search pages and add ;; support for filtering by query terms here! (defun make-datum-listing-filter-bar (view sort-by direction &optional (dir NIL)) `((:nav :id "listing-filter-controls" (:form :method "get" :id "datum-listing-filter-form" ,(when dir `(:input :type "hidden" :name "dir" :value ,dir)) (:labal :for "view" "View As") (:select :name "view" :id "view" ,(if (eql view :tile) `(:option :value "tile" :selected "" "Tiles") `(:option :value "tile" "Tiles")) ,(if (eql view :card) `(:option :value "card" :selected "" "Cards") `(:option :value "card" "Cards"))) (:label :for "sort-by" "Sort by") (:select :name "sort-by" :id "sort-by" ,(if (eql sort-by :modified) `(:option :value "modified" :selected "" "Date Modified") `(:option :value "modified" "Date Modified")) ,(if (eql sort-by :birth) `(:option :value "birth" :selected "" "Date Created") `(:option :value "birth" "Date Created")) ,(if (eql sort-by :accesses) `(:option :value "accesses" :selected "" "Number of Views") `(:option :value "accesses" "Number of Views"))) (:span :class "checkbox-label-container" ,(if (eql direction :descending) `(:input :type "radio" :name "direction" :value "descending" :checked "") `(:input :type "radio" :name "direction" :value "descending")) (:label :for "descending" "Descending")) (:span :class "checkbox-label-container" ,(if (eql direction :ascending) `(:input :type "radio" :name "direction" :value "ascending" :checked "") `(:input :type "radio" :name "direction" :value "ascending")) (:label :for "ascending" "Ascending")) (:input :type "submit" :value "Filter"))))) (defun index-files-form (path msg) `(:form :method "post" :action "/index" :id "index-files-form" (:div :class "form-row" (:input :type "text" :name "path" :value ,(html (namestring path)))) (:div :class "form-row" (:input :type "submit" :value ,msg)0)))