Experimental Common Lisp object storage abstraction for Unix file systems
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;;; HTTP endpoint handlers (in-package :leibowitz.web) (static-resource stylesheet "/static/style.css") (static-resource script "/static/fluff.js") ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Top-level pages (leibowitz-route (index-page lib "/") (limit offset sort-by direction view) ;; FIXME: `list-data' is the single-source-of-truth when it comes to ;; validating its parameters; it would (let ((limit (if limit (parse-integer limit) 50)) (offset (if offset (parse-integer offset) 0)) (sort-by (if sort-by (intern (string-upcase sort-by) :keyword) :modified)) (direction (if direction (intern (string-upcase direction) :keyword) :descending)) (view (if view (intern (string-upcase view) :keyword) :tile))) (make-page lib :here "/" :title "All | Leibowitz Web" :sidebar (make-datum-listing-sidebar lib) :body (list-data-as-html lib view :sort-by sort-by :direction direction :limit limit :offset offset) :total (library-data-quantity lib) :limit limit :offset offset))) (leibowitz-route (tags-page lib "/tags") () (make-page lib :here "/tags" :title "Tags | Leibowitz Web" :sidebar `((:section "")) :body (list-tags-as-html lib))) (leibowitz-route (tree-page lib "/tree") (dir view sort-by direction) (let ((dir (if dir dir (user-homedir-pathname))) ;; FIXME: Standardize the parsing of these somewhere! (sort-by (if sort-by (intern (string-upcase sort-by) :keyword) :modified)) (direction (if direction (intern (string-upcase direction) :keyword) :descending)) (view (if view (intern (string-upcase view) :keyword) :tile))) (if (and (uiop:directory-exists-p dir) (uiop:absolute-pathname-p (uiop:parse-unix-namestring dir))) (make-page lib :here "/tree" :title (format NIL "~A | Leibowitz Web" dir) :header (make-tree-breadcrumbs "Tree | Leibowitz Web" dir) :sidebar (make-tree-sidebar dir) :body (nconc (list-data-as-html lib view :dir dir :sort-by sort-by :direction direction) (make-tree-unindexed-section lib dir))) (return-404 lib (format NIL "Directory ~S does not exist" dir))))) ;; FIXME: parameter validations hould be in the core, just parse here (leibowitz-route (search-page lib "/search") (q limit offset sort-by direction view) (let ((limit (if limit (parse-integer limit) 50)) (offset (if offset (parse-integer offset) 0)) (sort-by (if sort-by (intern (string-upcase sort-by) :keyword) :modified)) (direction (if direction (intern (string-upcase direction) :keyword) :descending)) (view (if view (intern (string-upcase view) :keyword) :tile))) (make-page lib :here "/search" :title "Search | Leibowitz Web" :sidebar `((:section "")) :body (if q (list-search-results-as-html lib q limit offset sort-by direction view) `(,(make-search-page-search-box lib))) ;; FIXME; :total here is the number of results, ;; figure out a way to get that or perhaps replace ;; numeric pagination with a more button. As a ;; marginally acceptable but inaccurate placeholder ;; we'll go with the number of data :total (library-data-quantity lib) :limit limit :offset offset))) (leibowitz-route (type-view-page lib "/type/:major/:minor") (limit offset sort-by direction view) (if (and major minor) (let ((type (format NIL "~A/~A" major minor)) (limit (if limit (parse-integer limit) 50)) (offset (if offset (parse-integer offset) 0)) (sort-by (if sort-by (intern (string-upcase sort-by) :keyword) :modified)) (direction (if direction (intern (string-upcase direction) :keyword) :descending)) (view (if view (intern (string-upcase view) :keyword) :tile))) (make-page lib :here (format NIL "/type/~A" type) :title (format NIL "List of ~A files | Leibowitz Web" type) :sidebar `((:section "")) :body (list-data-as-html lib view :sort-by sort-by :direction direction :limit limit :offset offset :type type) :total (let ((total (find-if (lambda (c) (equal (car c) type)) (library-all-file-types lib)))) (if total (cdr total) 0)) :limit limit :offset offset)) (return-404 lib (format NIL "Invalid mime type requested: ~A/~A" major minor)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Uploading data (leibowitz-route (new-page lib "/new") () (make-page lib :here "new" :title "Upload a New Datum | Leibowitz Web" :body `((:section :class "upload-form" (:form :method "post" :action "/new" :enctype "multipart/form-data" (:fieldset (:legend "Upload A File") (:input :type "file" :name "file") (:button "Upload"))))))) (leibowitz-route (new-datum lib ("/new" :method :post)) () (let ((file (hunchentoot:post-parameter "file"))) (if file (let* ((temp (nth 0 file)) (name (nth 1 file)) ;; FIXME: Upload directory needs to be something ;; user-configurable that makes sense in the context of ;; collections. As-is this breaks when the current working ;; directory is not a subdirectory of library's :homedir ;; initarg (passed to collection-homedir). While we're on ;; that topic, the collection API feels simultaneously ;; half-baked (what's even doing??) and overengineered ;; (whyyyy God are there so many things to keep track of) (dest (merge-pathnames (uiop:parse-unix-namestring name)))) (if (probe-file dest) ;; FIXME: create a conflict-resolution page that should also ;; be used for copying and moving files. (format NIL "You uploaded ~S, but ~S already exists!" name dest) (progn (uiop:copy-file temp dest) (let ((datum (car (index lib dest)))) (hunchentoot:redirect (format NIL "/datum?id=~A" (datum-id datum))))))) (hunchentoot:redirect "/new")))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Datum view machinery (leibowitz-route (datum-view lib "/datum") (id) (if id (handler-case (let ((d (get-datum lib id :error T))) (make-page lib :title (format NIL "~A | Leibowitz Web" (datum-title d)) :header (make-tree-breadcrumbs (datum-title d) (uiop:parse-unix-namestring id)) :sidebar (datum-html-sidebar lib d) :body (make-datum-view-page lib d))) (datum-not-indexed () (return-404 lib (format NIL "Datum with ID ~S not found" id)))) (hunchentoot:redirect "/"))) (leibowitz-route (datum-raw lib "/raw") (id) (if id (let ((d (get-datum lib id))) (if d (progn (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) (datum-kind d)) (injest-raw-datum d)) (return-404 lib (format NIL "Datum with ID ~S not found" id)))) (hunchentoot:redirect "/"))) (leibowitz-route (datum-thumbnail lib "/thumbnail") (id) (alx:if-let ((datum (and id (get-datum lib id)))) (handler-case (let ((thumbnailer:*thumbnail-cache-dir* (library-thumbnail-cache-dir lib))) (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "image/jpeg") (hunchentoot:handle-static-file (thumbnailer:get-thumbnail (datum-id datum) (datum-kind datum)))) (thumbnailer:source-file-not-accessible () (return-404 lib)) (thumbnailer:thumbnail-creation-failed () (return-404 lib)) (thumbnailer:unsupported-file-type () (return-404 lib))) (return-404 lib))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Tag view machinery (leibowitz-route (tag-view lib "/tag") (name limit offset sort-by direction view) (if name (let ((tag (get-tag lib name)) (limit (if limit (parse-integer limit) 50)) (offset (if offset (parse-integer offset) 0)) ;; The library uses keywords internally, but here we'll ;; keep these as strings for creating pagination urls (sort-by (if sort-by sort-by "modified")) (direction (if direction direction "descending")) (view (if view view "tile"))) (if tag (make-page lib :title (format NIL "~A | Leibowitz Web" name) :sidebar (make-tag-view-sidebar lib tag) :body (make-tag-view-page lib tag (intern (string-upcase view) :keyword) :tags (list tag) :sort-by (intern (string-upcase sort-by) :keyword) :direction (intern (string-upcase direction) :keyword) :limit limit :offset offset) :here "/tag" :total (tag-count tag) :limit limit :offset offset :more-params (format NIL "name=~A&sort-by=~A&direction=~A&view=~A" (url name) sort-by direction view)) (return-404 lib (format NIL "Tag named ~S not found" name)))) (hunchentoot:redirect "/tags"))) ;; FIXME: for the redirects here, we really should get the full URL so ;; that the user doesn't lose their place (leibowitz-route (edit-tag lib ("/tag" :method :post)) (name) (let ((predicates (collect-lines (hunchentoot:post-parameter "tags"))) ;; FIXME: Add support for recursive deletion to the core! ;; (delete-children (hunchentoot:post-parameter "delete-children")) ;; (delete-data (hunchentoot:post-parameter "delete-data")) (move-to (hunchentoot:post-parameter "move-to")) (copy-to (hunchentoot:post-parameter "copy-to")) (delete (hunchentoot:post-parameter "delete")) (desc (hunchentoot:post-parameter "description")) (ajax (hunchentoot:post-parameter "ajax"))) (handler-case (cond (move-to (move-tag lib name move-to :merge T) (hunchentoot:redirect (format NIL "/tag?name=~A" (url move-to)))) (copy-to (copy-tag lib name copy-to) (hunchentoot:redirect (format NIL "/tag?name=~A" (url copy-to)))) (delete (del-tag lib name) (hunchentoot:redirect "/tags")) (desc (let ((tag (get-tag lib name))) (setf (tag-label tag) desc) (add-tag lib tag)) (hunchentoot:redirect (format NIL "/tag?name=~A" (url name)))) (predicates (add-tag-predicate lib name predicates :replace T) (if ajax (html-snippet (make-tag-view-sidebar lib (get-tag lib name))) (hunchentoot:redirect (format NIL "/tag?name=~A" (url name)))))) (no-such-tag () (return-404 lib (format NIL "Tag with NAME ~S not found" name)))))) ;;; FIXME: Per the new forms, when :retroactive and :replace are both ;;; passed to `datum-add-predicates', we should also go through and ;;; REMOVE the old tags from all affected data! Wire up the forms! ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Editing data (leibowitz-route (edit-datum lib ("/datum" :method :post)) (id) (let ((move-to (hunchentoot:post-parameter "move-to")) (copy-to (hunchentoot:post-parameter "copy-to")) (delete (hunchentoot:post-parameter "delete")) (tags (collect-lines (hunchentoot:post-parameter "tags"))) (ajax (hunchentoot:post-parameter "ajax"))) ;; FIXME: some validation would be good, though this endpoint ;; really should only be used internally (handler-case ;; FIXME: Add conflict resolution page to handle overwrites. (cond (move-to (move-datum lib id move-to :overwrite NIL) (hunchentoot:redirect (format NIL "/datum?id=~A" (url move-to)))) (copy-to (copy-datum lib id copy-to :overwrite NIL) (hunchentoot:redirect (format NIL "/datum?id=~A" (url copy-to)))) (delete (del-datum lib id) (hunchentoot:redirect "/")) (tags (add-datum-tags lib id tags :replace T) (if ajax (let ((datum (get-datum lib id :error T))) (html-snippet (datum-html-sidebar lib datum))) (hunchentoot:redirect (format NIL "/datum?id=~A" (url id)))))) (datum-not-indexed () (return-404 lib (format NIL "Datum with ID ~S not found" id)))))) (leibowitz-route (index-datum lib ("/index" :method :post)) (path) (if path (progn (index lib path) (hunchentoot:redirect (format NIL "/~A=~A" (if (uiop:directory-exists-p path) "tree?dir" "datum?id") (url path)))) (return-400 lib "You didn't specify what you want me to index")))