A very simple markdown table to CSV converter with no dependencies
Download raw file: mdtable2csv.awk
#!/bin/awk -f # Convert Github-Flavoured Markdown tables to RFC 4180 CSV # FIXME: check support with non-gnu awk BEGIN { FS="\1E" } function trim(str) { sub(/^\s+/, "", str); sub(/\s+$/, "", str); return str } function escape(str) { gsub(/"/, "\"\"", str); return str } function quote(str) { return sprintf("\"%s\"", str) } /^\s*\|(\s*-+\s*\|)+\s*$/ { gsub(/\|/, "\1E") for (i = 2; i < NF; i++) printf(i == NF - 1 ? "" : ",") printf("\r\n") } # FIXME handle uneven rows # FIXME handle colon alignment indicator in delimeter row /^\s*\|.*\|\s*$/ { # Replace non-escaped pipes with the ASCII record separator gsub(/(^|[^\\])\|/, "\1E") # Un-escape escaped pipes gsub(/\\\|/, "|") # Strip leading record separators gsub(/^\s*\1E/, "") for (i = 1; i < NF; i++) printf("%s%s", quote(escape(trim($i))), i == NF - 1 ? "" : ",") printf("\r\n") }