Seven years worth of accumulated configuration cruft
Download raw file: common-lisp/.sbclrc
;; -*- lisp -*- (require 'asdf) (let ((ql-init (merge-pathnames #P"setup.lisp" (uiop:xdg-data-home "quicklisp/")))) (if (probe-file ql-init) (load ql-init) (warn "Unable to load quicklisp! Setup file ~S not present!~%" ql-init))) #+sbcl (progn (setf sb-impl::*default-external-format* :utf-8) (sb-ext:set-sbcl-source-location #p"~/.local/src/sbcl/")) (defun register-discovered-systems (dir) "Tell asdf and thus quicklisp about systems stored in directories other than quicklisp/local-projects/." (check-type dir (or string pathname)) (loop for dir in (uiop:subdirectories dir) for exts = (mapcar #'pathname-type (uiop:directory-files dir)) when (member "asd" exts :test #'equal) do (push dir asdf:*central-registry*))) (register-discovered-systems #p"~/code/")