Seven years worth of accumulated configuration cruft
- .gitignore
- alacritty/.config/alacritty/alacritty.toml
- cmus/.config/cmus/gruvbox.theme
- cmus/.config/cmus/rc
- common-lisp/.sbclrc
- cwm/.config/cwm/cwmrc
- desktop/.config/user-dirs.dirs
- desktop/.local/share/applications/browser-mswinurl.desktop
- desktop/.local/share/applications/emacsclient-mailto.desktop
- dotfiles/.local/share/dotfiles/emojis.list
- dotfiles/.local/share/dotfiles/kbmap4tty.kmap
- dotfiles/.local/share/dotfiles/tileblue.png
- dotfiles/.local/share/dotfiles/tilebrown.png
- dotfiles/.local/share/dotfiles/tilegreen.png
- dotfiles/.local/share/dotfiles/tilered.png
- emacs/.config/emacs/init.el
- emacs/.config/emacs/snippets/latex-mode/latex
- fvwm/.config/fvwm/config
- ...
View all 72 files
My dotfiles, lots of old cruft in here. Most important parts are my Emacs and ZSH configs because that's where I spend most of my (productive) time, as well as my scripts. I've used seemingly every DE and WM under the sun and have tried to make my settings as portable and agnostic as possible while still being usable and comfy. Currently back on i3 after a ~5 year venture elsewhere, haven't bothered to check in my configs for it. I've put way too much effort into this shit over the years and most of it just doesn't matter. Linux sucks, BSD sucks, Eunuchs sucks, Plan 9 sucks, I just want a nice, coherent Smalltalk or Lisp environment to do everything in.
- Figure out an input method framework so I can type Pinyin and get Chinese
- Application keybindings with international layouts???
- Somehow integrate Russian/Chinese input in X with Emacs' much more ergonomic multilingual environment stup
- Get a list of fonts to cover all of unicode and write a script to download them
- Wider font than Iosevka for Cyrillic
- Prettier font for Hanzi
- Emacs startup optimizations
- Experiment with accessibility stuff (Talon commands, Emacs speak, a screenreader, spech to text, etc)
- Figure out a dictionary lookup/translation workflow that integrates well with Emacs and that is faster, more convenient, and preferably more offline than navigating to in a browser.