Seven years worth of accumulated configuration cruft
Download raw file: scripts/.local/bin/newjail
#!/bin/sh # Automate the process of creating a new jail [ -n "$1" ] || { printf "Create a new jail. Usage: [jailname]\n" exit 1 } [ "$(uname)" = "FreeBSD" ] || { printf "This script is FreeBSD-specific.\n" exit 1 } [ "$(whoami)" = "root" ] || { printf "This script must be run as root.\n" exit 1 } df | grep ^zroot >/dev/null || { printf "This script assumes your root parition uses ZFS.\n" exit 1 } jail="$1""$(uname -p)"/"$(uname -r)"/base.txz # If this script is being run on my server, use the storage/jails dataset, # otherwise use zroot/jails, creating it if it doesn't exist. if [ "$(hostname)" = "monolith" ]; then dataset="storage/jails/$jail" mountpt="/storage/jails/$jail" else zfs list | grep ^zroot/jails >/dev/null || zfs create zroot/jails dataset="zroot/jails/$jail" mountpt="/jails/$jail" fi zfs create "$dataset" fetch "$file" -o - | tar -xf - -C "$mountpt" freebsd-update -b "$mountpt" IDS # Jails don't have home directories for some reason mkdir -v "$mountpt"/usr/home/ ln -vs /usr/home /storage/jails/"$jail"/home # Copy some stuff over cp -vf /etc/localtime "$mountpt"/etc/localtime cp -vf /etc/csh.cshrc "$mountpt"/root/.cshrc # We don't need sendmail running echo 'sendmail_enable="NONE"' >"$mountpt"/etc/rc.conf cat <<- EOF ======> Completed If freebsd-update detected errors, remove the $dataset dataset and try again. Otherwise you should now: [ ] Add the $jail entry to /etc/jail.conf [ ] Add a table to /etc/hosts [ ] Add rules to /etc/pf.conf or /usr/local/etc/haproxy.conf [ ] Append $jail to jail_list in /etc/rc.conf [ ] Restart the jail service [ ] Set a root password EOF