Seven years worth of accumulated configuration cruft
Download raw file: scripts/.local/bin/ytmu
#!/bin/sh # Download music from YouTube and embed extra metadata fetched from # # Dependencies: yt-dlp, opuscomment, lyrics (in this repo) set -e [ -z "$1" ] && { echo "Download audio with youtube-dl. Usage: ytmu [urls...]" >&2 exit 1 } too_long_for_opuscomment() { test "$(wc -c "$1" | cut -d' ' -f1)" -ge 131066; return $? } for url in "$@"; do yt_dlp_outfile="$(mktemp ytmu_yt_dlp_tmp.XXX.txt)" lyrics_outfile="$(mktemp ytmu_lyrics_tmp.XXX.txt)" yt-dlp \ --extract-audio \ --audio-format opus \ --audio-quality 0\ --add-metadata \ --embed-thumbnail \ --sponsorblock-mark all \ --output '%(artist,uploader)s - %(track,title)s.%(ext)s' \ --exec "echo {} >>$yt_dlp_outfile" \ $YTMU_YTDLP_EXTRA_OPTS \ "$url" while read -r line; do file="$(basename "$line")" term="${file%%.opus}" echo "Fetching lyrics for $term..." if lyrics "$term" > "$lyrics_outfile"; then if too_long_for_opuscomment "$lyrics_outfile"; then echo "Lyrics file too long for opuscomment" >&2 else echo "Adding lyrics to $file..." opuscomment \ -t "lyrics=$(cat "$lyrics_outfile")" \ -a "$file" fi fi done < "$yt_dlp_outfile" rm "$yt_dlp_outfile" "$lyrics_outfile" done